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June 22, 2018

The last walk a shelter dog gets doesn’t end so well

Together we NEED to save more animals.
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The journey of life is sweeter when traveled with a dog

For the dog lovers out there, where is the furthest ...
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The best things in life are rescued

We couldn’t agree more!
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Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts

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Some things just fill your heart without trying

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Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.

We need to listen more than we talk.
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Signs your dog is suffering from heat

Are there other signs that you watch for?
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You are the proud parent of a rescue animal

Where did you meet?
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Animals are worth fighting for

Please help spread the word about animal rescue if you ...
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Saving an animal won’t change the world, but for that animal, the world changes forever

Do you agree?
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The last walk a shelter dog gets doesn’t end so well

Together we NEED to save more animals.
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The journey of life is sweeter when traveled with a dog

For the dog lovers out there, where is the furthest ...
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The best things in life are rescued

We couldn’t agree more!
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Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts

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Some things just fill your heart without trying

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Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.

We need to listen more than we talk.
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Signs your dog is suffering from heat

Are there other signs that you watch for?
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You are the proud parent of a rescue animal

Where did you meet?
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Animals are worth fighting for

Please help spread the word about animal rescue if you ...
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Saving an animal won’t change the world, but for that animal, the world changes forever

Do you agree?
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