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4 Ways Capturing Videos of Your Volunteers Can Help Your Organization

4 Ways Capturing Videos of Your Volunteers Can Help Your Organization

In today’s social media-dominated world, whether your goal is to sell, educate, raise awareness, or simply build rapport with your audience, nurturing your online presence is a must. With more and more people switching over to the virtual world every day, the traditional way of garnering attention (television ads, posters, billboards) is rapidly becoming non-existent—even the biggest businesses are taking to social media for traction!

However, you won’t reach your target demographic simply by creating a Facebook page for your organization; you also need to post the right kind of content. And since in this day and age—predictably for years to come as well—video emerged as the top dog of social media content, incorporating it into your online strategy is an excellent first step.

Aside from the many benefits of video content in general, posting videos capturing your volunteers in action specifically comes with a number of perks, too! It can help your organization…


Attract More Volunteers

If there’s anything that can move people to volunteer for your organization, it’s your own volunteers! Since they already know the ins and outs of volunteering for you, capturing their duties and thoughts on video can help answer the questions a potential volunteer may initially have. This establishes trust and makes it easier for newbies to warm up to your organization.

4 Ways Capturing Videos of Your Volunteers Can Help Your Organization

In your video, you can include clips showing your volunteers preparing for an event, going through their daily tasks, sharing their volunteering experience, or even simply having fun with each other. Maybe they have inside jokes or play pranks on each other during break time—capturing these silly moments on video can help humanize your organization and allow people to see the fun side of volunteering, which can help convert your viewers to volunteers.


Gain More Supporters

One of the best things about videos is that they can communicate in a way that no other form of online content can. By capturing your volunteers on video, you’re essentially taking your viewers inside your organization.

4 Ways Capturing Videos of Your Volunteers Can Help Your Organization

Think of it this way: your camera signifies your viewers.  So by capturing your volunteers in an event, fundraiser, or perhaps even a public demonstration, you’re giving your viewers front row seats to what your organization is all about. This allows your viewers to better understand your mission, and in turn, moves them to get involved and support your cause whether through volunteering, donating, or becoming a sponsor.


Promote Your Programs

Aside from helping out in events, your volunteers are there to assist in carrying out the programs that your organization has. That means your volunteers won’t be the only ones getting exposure from your videos, your programs will be, too!

4 Ways Capturing Videos of Your Volunteers Can Help Your Organization

To effectively highlight your programs in your videos, include information about each one. You can ask one of your volunteers to talk about them on camera or simply record a voice-over that you can later add to your video during editing. If that’s not an option, you can always go for in-video text or subtitles.


Build A Connection with Your Viewers

Among the different forms of content, videos are the only ones that can replicate an in-person conversation. Since we’re all designed to pay close attention to visual cues (facial expression, body language), we’re naturally more inclined to trust and empathize with someone we can visually see—even if they’re on the opposite side of our computer screen.

4 Ways Capturing Videos of Your Volunteers Can Help Your Organization

Capturing your volunteers going about their business and just being themselves on video can make your viewers feel more included; like they’re actually a part of your team rather than just an outsider looking in. But how does that benefit you? Well, that personal connection and sense of belongingness can help your organization turn your viewers into volunteers, donors, sponsors, and even lifetime friends!


RescueTUBE can make it easier for you to capture, collect, and organize videos and photos!

You can learn more about it here or sign up on Doobert and start using RescueTUBE today!


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