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The 5 minute favor

In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.

-Les Brown

459Have you ever heard of the 5 minute favor?  No, I’m not talking about the one that someone asks for, I’m talking about the one that you give, without being asked, prompted or cajoled.  Whether the favor of your time, your knowledge or even your hard-earned money, when was the last time that you proactively tried to make a positive impact with 5 minutes of your day?  This proactive approach will result in positive ripples in your life, and in the lives of those that you touch with your favor.  Here’a  few ideas to inspire your thinking.  What ideas do you have?

  1. Share your knowledge – Whether a social media post, an email or just a note to a friend, share some knowledge without expectation.  Whether it is a tip about how to handle a situation, or a lesson learned from your years of animal rescue, you are unique in the knowledge you have.
  2. Make an introduction – Think of two people you know.  Would they benefit from a new relationship?  Send them both a note introducing one another and encouraging them to connect.
  3. Just because – Send a friend or family member a note, just because.  Tell them something you truly love and appreciate about them.  Or just thank them for having the courage to be themselves.
  4. Pay your daily ritual forward – Do you buy a special breakfast or coffee each morning?  Take the $$ you would otherwise have spent, and send it to a charity or a friend.  Let them know or just tell them ‘because.’
  5. Listen – Ask someone “What are you thankful for?” and listen to their reply…without judgment, and with compassion and openness.




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