Letting go of a foster pet may leave you with a heavy heart but once you realize it’s all for the better, know that it will truly get better.
It’s natural to feel sad when it’s time to part with a foster pet. Saying goodbye is oftentimes quite difficult to say and the aftermath leaves you with a hole in your heart. This is so true if you’ve developed a very special bond with the animal. But as the saying goes “All good things come to an end.” Whether you like it or not, you will have to let go of your furry friend who has become part of the family. Acceptance is key to recovering from sadness and having a positive outlook will help you come out a winner.
Have you recently let go of a foster pet? Do you feel a sense of emptiness every time you see your foster’s photos? Are you feeling low because you’re about to send off a foster in a few days? Try to ponder on these 5 personal mantras and see yourself transition from sad to glad:
“I have loved and remain open to love”
Letting go opens doors to more opportunities to share more love. Spread love. When you are open to letting go and loving again, and again, it’s easier to move on and this mindset benefits a lot of fosters. Keep in mind that a lot of dogs and cats in shelters are craving for love. The possibility of them being loved even for a brief period is in your hands. Remain open to love.
“I desire happiness for all animals”
When you wish happiness for your foster pet, you will learn to accept goodbyes. You know deep down inside that this is an opportunity for the animal to find another “happy” home like yours. A forever home awaits your foster pet and you’ve been told about it. Finally, after all the waiting, he’s found a permanent home. The best thing to do is just be sincerely happy for your foster pet and his new owners as well.
“I inspire through my actions”
Your friends, family, and co-workers could be watching you cope with separation from a foster pet. Wouldn’t it be inspiring if they see you taking it all in stride? Of course, it’s expected of you to be lonely, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. After all, you will miss your foster pet. But there’s always a time to be sad and a time to be glad. Inspire people through your positive and calm approach to coping with separation anxiety.
“I will not let animals suffer”
Letting go of foster pets keep you aligned with your mission of saving animals in shelters from further abuse and suffering. If you have a hard time letting go or hesitate to foster temporarily because you can’t bear to get too emotionally involved, you miss the chance of getting to know a new foster. More importantly, you won’t be able to save as many animals. But if you constantly remind yourself “I will not be an agent of suffering” then you learn to be selfless. You will focus more on saving animals from further pain and suffering.
“Goodbyes are beginnings”
Saying goodbye to a foster pet is not the end. It’s the start of another cycle of loving and caring for a new family friend. After sending off a foster pet to his new owner, tell yourself “Goodbyes are beginnings.” Imagine that another journey is about to unfold before you. When this is ingrained in your thoughts, you anticipate developing a new friendship, a whole new bond with the next foster.