Panic causes mistakes. A calm mind fosters success.

Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us ...
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Doobert and Airline Employees Working To Save Animals

Contact: Chris Roy (262) 456-3344           ...
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Sampson’s final leg

Sampson was a great traveler.  He stood on my armrest almost the entire two hours and locked my constantly.  He was a very sweet soul and is now at the Jacksonville, Illinois PAWS facility.  I have a feeling he won't be waiting long for his furever home.
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Wear out or rust out. The choice is yours.

“We must either wear out or rust out every one ...
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It’s 2018! Push forward on the stick!

“Always think with your stick forward.” – Amelia Earhart Push ...
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What is your 2018 New Years Animal Rescue Resolution?

“Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you ...
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Channeling the negative energy of animal rescue

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing ...
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Lilly is very loving and enjoys being loved on as well. She tore up a pillow I brought just to burrow in the cotton mounds and then fell asleep. To whomever Lilly is going sure is getting a great dog. Safe travels, everyone!
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Holiday Pet Safety Tips

It’s already December! As fast as time is going, we ...
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Learning to say YES

“The word is yes. Yes, yes, yes. Say it a ...
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