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Bosnian Strays Press Release


Contact:   Madeleine Fiello
(262) 456-3344                                                                                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Bosnian Strays Find Sanctuary in the US

Hampton, VA — This past week, volunteers transported two stray Bosnian dogs to their new rescue in Hampton, VA.

Blue and Ice are two husky mixes from Sarajevo, Bosnia.  In October 2014, a mountain rescue service rescued the two dogs from the River Rakitnica Canyon where an unknown person abandoned them.


Over the past couple years, the local Bosnian that found them, Nina, cared for the two dogs.  Blue lived in poor living conditions at an animal rescue and Ice stayed with Nina.  Unfortunately, in Bosnia, there are countless strays left to fend for themselves.

Ice and Blue have a new shot in the United States thanks to Katie from The Tanzie Project.  Katie was deployed in Sarajevo and met the two dogs through Nina.  Luckily, Katie found a volunteer willing to fly the two dogs back to Boston before they transferred to a foster home.

In order to find transportation from Boston to their new foster home in, Katie used  Just in time for their flight to the U.S., enough volunteers signed up to drive the dogs to Virginia. Now, thanks to The Tanzie Project,, and the volunteers, Blue and Ice get another chance.

Volunteers use the custom-built software on to save animals by volunteering, fostering, and/or transporting animals.  This software helps solve the most difficult aspect of coordinating animal rescues: transportation.  With, animal lovers around the country come together to bring animals to their forever homes.

Volunteers and organizations can sign up for free to rescue more animals at


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