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Four siblings and a straggler

Tell us how the transport came together?

This was my first transport. It was coordinated by Dusty Feller of Third Coast Animal Rescue. Four husky mix sibling pups and a lab straggler were going from AL to IL. They came with all the needed items and paperwork. When I received them in Pelham, the driver who brought them from Montgomery said the lab slept on the driver’s lap for the route. Originally in the carrier with others, the lab was picked on by them, so it was removed and given a lap. I placed it on my lap. Within 1 minute from leaving the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel, we were on the interstate and all five pups were quiet and going back to sleep, for the entire 81 miles.

Were there any memorable moments from this transport?

The lab quickly fell asleep and went limp on my lap. So limp that he’d just slide off. More than once, I reached down and caught him before he could hit the floor.

What could have made this transport better?

Due to preparation done before my leg, I don’t know What could have made this transport better, except perhaps a little better weather. This was a “no paws on ground” transport, and there was a steady rain at the next transfer point, so the potty break happened after the move was made into the next vehicle. All pups quickly awoke and did their business without delay. Wisely, the receiving transporter had pee pads and towels in place. This was not her first transport. I quickly learned a lot about being prepared and ready to do whatever became necessary.

Tell us about your passenger/s (behavior, demeanor, etc)?

All passengers behaved well by sleeping the entire leg.

Why did you take this transport, what compelled you to help?

I accepted the route because it was along familiar terrain (I-65), ended near home, and would give me my first experience in transporting. It was beneficial in every way, and left me feeling good about having helped get the fur babies a little closer to a good home. I was impressed by the preparation, participation, and eagerness of other people involved. The experience was much easier and more fun than I had anticipated. Now, I look forward to future opportunities. Just by posting two photos and a brief paragraph on Facebook, I recruited another transporter!

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