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Episode 2 -Jane Miller

Jane Miller, LISW, IAABC-CDBC & AABP-CDBT, Pet CPR & First Aid Certified, works in private practice as a licensed psychotherapist/clinical social worker, with a particular interest in holistic modalities of healing. She currently focuses on educating others about the legal, ethical, and practical criteria of working with Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSDs). Miller has lectured about PSDs in a variety of settings, ranging from The Cleveland Clinic & Metro Health Medical Centers’ Departments of Psychiatry & Psychology, The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants Conference (IAABC), The ClevelandNatural History Museum, The Psychology of Health, Immunity & Disease Conference (NICABM), The National Association of Social Workers Conference and many other national and local organizations, schools, and dog-training facilities.

Jane has appeared in the PBS program “Health Visions – Animals As Healers” on the healing power of animals and joined world-renowned veterinarian/author Dr. Allen Schoen to present a workshop on the topic of animals as healers at a national conference for medical professionals (See NICABM). She is also a practitioner of QiGong and Reiki and teaches stress reduction techniques to her clients and their service dogs. She has earned her BA in psychology and biology from Oberlin College and her MSSA in Clinical Social Work from Case WesternReserve University. She has received the Irene Sogg Gross Award for Humanitarian Services and has contributed scholar essays for professional journals and anthologies in the field of clinical social work.

Her professional experience includes serving as a counselor at a battered women’s shelter and at a group home supervisor for the developmentally disabled, and as a research assistant in microbiology/immunology at Temple University Medical School. Jane Miller’s lifelong passion for healing has emphasized the human-animal connection, culminating in her certification as a Canine Massotherapist and as a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant by the International Association of Animal BehaviorConsultants (IAABC-CDBC) and the Association of Animal Behavior Professionals (AABP-CDBT). She trains shelter dogs implementing positive reward-based training that focuses on building a bond and relationship of trust, communication, body language, and stress reduction techniques for humans and their animals. These shelter dogs that have the potential to be psychiatric service dogs lives are saved and transform the lives of those severely limited in their ability to function due to mental illness, our dogs are task trained to mitigate the effects of the symptoms of the specific symptoms of the individual.




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