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January 24th Is Change A Pet’s Life Day!

January 24th , Change A Pet’s Life Day, is an entire day dedicated to encouraging shelter pet adoption, spreading awareness of shelter animal issues, along with recognizing the amazing volunteers, shelter workers, and rescue workers that help to make a difference in animals’ lives! There are so many things that YOU can do to better the life of an animal, and this day is all about this idea! Here are some ideas to help kick start the January holiday:

Dog and Cat together wide angle

Adopt. Adopt a shelter pet and give an animal a loving home! Many shelters have adoption specials on January 24th, including discounts!

Donate. Whether it’s monetary, blankets, or food, donating can be one of the most helpful things you can do for animals! Many shelters are non-profit organizations, making it difficult to keep up with the funds needed to purchase food and other animal necessities. Not only can donations provide basic needs, but it can also go towards an animal’s surgery or medications it needs to survive. Anything helps!

Volunteer. Donating time is sometimes one of the best things someone can do. Many animals benefit from going on walks, simply being groomed, and being played with. Less sociable animals can start to get used to more human interaction, therefore allowing them to be better candidates for adoption.

Share. Many shelters are having contests where you can enter their “Change A Pet’s Life Day” story contest. Share your story of how you’ve adopted a shelter pet or donated time or money.


What are YOU going to do to change a pet’s life? How can YOU help? Let us know!

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