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National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To

Do you know what day it is? It’s National Awkward Moments Day! It’s time to go down memory lane and laugh about the awkward moments we’ve had. After all, everyone has their share of awkward moments!

In celebration, let’s reminisce about some of the most awkward moments we’ve had as dog owners. Here are our top 8:


1. Mealtime is guilt time.

Yep. No matter how much you try to resist, all it takes is a pair of big rounded puppy dog eyes to weaken your defenses. The next thing you know; you’ve given them half of your entire dinner. As you get up, you swear to yourself that that’s never happening again, but it does…it always does.

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To


2. When your dog approaches another dog and you have to make small talk with the owner.

Then you try to think of a polite way to end the awkward conversation so you can walk away without looking like a total jerk.

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To 


3. Taking way too long to say goodbye.

When you have to pick something up from a store that’s 5 minutes away, but the way your dog looks at you makes you feel so bad about not bringing them that you end up spending a whole 15 minutes just saying goodbye.

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To


4. When your dog smells another dog on you and you try your best to justify your actions.

“I swear, Booboo, it wasn’t like that. It was just petting and maybe some belly rubs, but nothing more! You know you’re still my number one pooch!”

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To 


5. Calling back your dog in a public area and getting blatantly ignored…repeatedly.

You’re at the dog park and it’s time to go home, so you loudly call out to your dog. They look back at you, but continue playing. You start walking towards them while calling out their name, other dog owners are starting to look at you like you’re some crazed person, and of course, your dog runs in the opposite direction.

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To


6. Catching yourself asking your dog for advice and basing your responses off their facial expressions.

We don’t blame you, though. Dogs are one of the best listeners! Plus, they never judge you!

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To


7. When you’re talking to someone and your dog decides to give that person’s leg a good hump.

“Oh hey, Martha! Long time no see! How’s your grandmother? I heard she fell ill, is she okay now? Oh my goodness, Martha! I’m so sorry!” *turns to dog * “Max, stop it! You’re embarrassing me!

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To


8. Sleeping like a peasant in your own bed because SOMEONE claimed the rest of it.

Coming home after a long day’s work, ready to lay in bed and relax, but upon entering your room, alas, a ball of fur lays atop your freshly laundered blankets, smack dab on the center of the mattress. Oh well, at least there’s still a bit of room left at the foot of the bed.

National Awkward Moments Day: 8 Awkward Moments All Dog Owners Can Relate To


But at the end of the day, no matter how many times our dogs embarrass us or put us in extremely awkward situations, we still love them more than anything in the world. They are and will continue to be, the light of our lives and nothing will ever change that.


What are YOUR most awkward moments as a dog owner? Comment them below!

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