National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog’s Dish

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish

The entire world wouldn’t be enjoying a plate of Caesar salad if not for Caesar Cardini. An Italian immigrant, Caesar concocted this famous salad back in the 1920’s. To make the recipe, he threw in coddled eggs, croutons (flavored with garlic), Parmesan cheese, olive oil, Worcestershire sauce (to add a hint of fishy flavor), and of course the ever-crunchy romaine.

Salads greens such as lettuce are one of the healthiest appetizers you can prepare for your family. But have you ever wondered if these raw greens can be as healthy for your pet dog? Are they even safe for dogs? If so, how often should they eat them?

Your dog can eat a few, bite-sized pieces of raw lettuce like arugula, romaine, or iceberg without danger. You can toss it or mix it with food occasionally as a simple treat.

When talking about the nutritional benefit, lettuce offers an array of vitamins. Apart from providing fiber or roughage, it is a source of essential vitamins A, C, B, and K. It contains Protein and Calcium too. Besides, the vegetable is over 90% water. Serving small portions of it to your pet dog can provide additional hydration, especially during the hot summer months.  It is enjoyable to eat too because it is crisp and crunchy to bite.

While it is safe to give your dog these lettuce varieties on very few occasions, practice some caution too and be aware of the following:


Feed him small servings

When you are giving it for the first time, start with a small serving. Giving too much too soon can cause digestive issues like diarrhea and gassiness. Keep the serving low and at a minimum. When you give your dog a few bite-sized portions, you are protecting your dog from getting choked.

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish


No dressing, please

If you are preparing salad at home, make sure that the small portion you are treating your dog with is clear of any dressing, condiment, or any other ingredient. So if you want your dog to have just a taste of lettuce, give it in raw form and without any additive.

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish


Wash it thoroughly

Thoroughly wash any raw leafy greens such as lettuce. These vegetables may have chemicals on them as well as traces of fertilizer. Do not let your dog ingest any of these harmful agents.  Carefully washing them takes bacteria off them too. Just fill a clean bowl with clean, cold water. Throw in the lettuce. Swish them gently. Let dirt come off and settle at the bottom. Do this for about half a minute, or longer then you are good to go.

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish


Give it as a treat

Treats are fun. Give them occasionally.  Otherwise, it won’t be as much fun. Dogs love treats from their owners. Treat him to small crunchy lettuce, especially if your pet dog is on the heavy side. It’s low in calories and has very, very low sugar content compared with some treats that are high in fructose.

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish


Get your vet’s go-signal

Getting professional advice is probably the most important precaution you can take.  Like any new food, a veterinarian’s thumbs-up is best-acquired before feeding to your dog.  Your vet knows what is best and what is not. Strictly follow his advice about greens given as treats.

National Caesar Salad Day: Tossing Some Greens in Your Dog's Dish

A bowl of Caesar’s salad and any tossed salad with fresh greens are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Your family benefits from eating this healthy food, whether served as an appetizer or a side dish.

Dogs benefit from having some “allowed” greens as treats, but make sure you heed your vet’s advice. A doggy treat is supposed to add fun to your dog’s life. If it doesn’t, toss it out!

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