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We are pulled by drive and pushed by values

“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”  – – Roy E. Disney

There have been many things that have shaped me in the course of my life to develop the values and principles that I live my life by.  For example I have always held fast that I will not intentionally sabotage someone to achieve what I want.  I’ll compete fairly and ferociously, but I will not undermine them in an attempt to win.

We all have values that we live by whether we verbally articulate them or not.  These are the things that push us to say or do something when others won’t, and likely the reason so many of us are so passionate about helping those without a voice.  Your values define who you are and how you fit into society.  The counterforce to our values is our drive.  Whether it is your drive to achieve, to get rich, to be the best or to be known, again these drives are at the core of our personality and often are only known to ourselves unless we choose to articulate them to others.

Like many other yin and yang type images, our drive and our values are often in a push-pull relationship for dominance.  We want to achieve greatness, recognition, power, wealth but still be encouraging, patient, kind, and supportive.  How are these drivers and values manifested in your animal rescue activities?  Do you lead with your values or with your drive?  Are you a different person in the animal rescue world than in your normal life?  Do you use your drive and values together to improve the welfare of animals?

Consider how your drive and values work in harmony and how they can help save more animals.

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