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7 Biggest Animal Rescue Transport Blunders

Learning from others’ mistakes helps us to not make the same ones.  So here are the top biggest blunders in animal rescue transport.  Got others to share?


1) Not remembering what it’s all about

2) Not making friends

3) Not showing up

4) Not being prepared

5) Not following the laws

6) Not exercising extra care

7) Not capturing your investment


1) Not remembering why

When you’re new to rescue relay transport, you can get caught up in the logistics, planning, and even the drama when a leg isn’t filled and the transport has to be rescheduled or cancelled.  You can get sucked in by the crazy terms like “must fill” or “code red” or “dead dog walking” and forget why you’re doing this.  The biggest mistake people make is to not block out the drama and focus on the animals you are saving.  You are spending your time and money and talents to help those who cannot help themselves.  Never forget that.


2) Not making friends

The animal rescue transport world is a giant community.  Like any other group of people, there will be some that you like and others that you do not get along with.  A common mistake is to not continually seek out those that you found a commonality and a bond with, to make new friends.  These people will be the support structure you need when times are tough and drama is high so make friends early and often.


3) Not showing up

For sure not showing up to a committed transport is a huge blunder and one that will quickly get you drummed out of the community.  But not showing up mentally is something that is also a common problem and can have devastating consequences. Are you ready for the responsibility?  Are you prepared for your part of this journey?  Are you ready for “Plan B” if something happens that wasn’t expected?


4) Not being prepared

There are many ways to be prepared.  a) Being prepared for the passengers with appropriate equipment like crates, leashes, and collars. b) Being prepared for the route by checking on the construction, traffic, weather.  c) Not having cleaned and prepped your crates or vehicle for the journey.  It’s a common blunder that you are not prepared for a transport.  Don’t let this happen to you.


5) Not following the laws

Yes we’re talking about not speeding and other normal traffic laws, but we’re also talking about doing your part to make sure the paperwork for the animals is completed, accurate and appropriately handed off.  Whether crossing state lines or transporting across town, every state has different requirements.  Check out our state resources map to make sure you’re following the laws in your area (


6) Not exercising extra care

Often a rescue relay transporter is so excited to help out that they forget they are not handling their own pet but rather a rescue animal that might be scared or unfamiliar with what is happening.  Exercising extra care by doing things like double-leashing or having a partner to back you up are necessary in animal rescue transport situations to prevent the animal from becoming scared and bolting, ultimately ending up lost.


7) Not capturing your investment

We know you’re helping because you love animals and we appreciate you for doing that.  But a common blunder is to not take advantage of the deductions you have coming your way for volunteer for IRS approved charities. Make sure you keep track of your mileage and other costs you put into your rescue efforts and check out the Doobert charitable tracking module as an option to help you keep things organized.


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