Suzanne Ort

Episode 130 – Suzanne Ort

Suzanne Ort is a certified Aviculturalist and owns “Texas Natural ...
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Pigs just always seem to be associated with negative things. A dirty room is often likened to a “pigsty”, and when you sweat more than normal, someone would most likely tell you that you’re “sweating like a pig”. However, once you get to know our porcine friends a little bit more, you’ll see that being called a “pig” isn’t too bad after all.

National Pig Day: 8 Pig Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Pigs just always seem to be associated with negative things. ...
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Yvonne Wallace Blane

Episode 129 – Yvonne Wallace Blane

Yvonne has been a wildlife rehabilitator and educator since co-founding ...
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Everything You Need to Know About Pinkeye in Dogs with Distemper

What’s Pinkeye? Pinkeye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a condition ...
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National Love Your Pet Day

Don’t you just love the way your dog wiggles their ...
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