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The Unplanned Blessing

My participation in the transport of Kaiden and Toby just wasn’t in the cards. I knew I’d be teaching 12 eight year olds in Bible School all week and was also helping a friend prepare a homecoming party for her son and his family. Then I got the message that the transport was failing due to nowhere to overnight these babies. So close and yet so far from me. I knew I could overnight them if Doobert volunteers could just get them to me. So, I texted Robin, the transport coordinator. She went into overdrive and within an hour she messaged me that she could get them to within and hour and a half from me. Volunteers had been willing to step in and step up just to get them that far. My supportive and animal loving husband agrees we should suck it up and drive the route to pick them up.

As most is, we are in the middle of a front porch hell of a summer. So we set up the pick up, made the round trip, and brought these two sweet, precious babies to our home in a steamy Friday night. Our fenced backyard was a welcome sight for two small babies who had been traveling all day and evening. They sniffed (we have two dogs and two cats but are able to separate everyone with multiple access doors to the backyard) and made sure to leave their marks and ran and played. They slurped water, ate, played, slurped water, sniffed and on and on. A good night’s sleep was had by all, and they didn’t mess or make a sound after midnight.

The 7 o’clock alarm for us up and fed and outside for a while and then watered and into the car for the trip across town to meet another hero who transports, and they were off on their way to Canada. They have a piece of my heart, as does every sweet animal I transport and I followed their progress until they reached their destination. It was a huge accomplishment for Doobert to get them from the Deep South to Canada in two days with so many heroic volunteers! I truly does take a village!

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