What does walking away mean to your dog?

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We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give

As animal rescuers, I think we can all relate – ...
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We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us

What valuable lesson have you learned from your furry friend?
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Wake up. Hug Dog. Have a good day.

Who else has this routine in the morning?
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To foster an animal is a great gift and act of kindness. The animals hold a special place in your heart and you make a world of difference in their lives’

What’s your favorite part about fostering animals?
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Throw kindness around like confetti

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There are no bad days when you come home to a pets love

What’s the best part of your day?
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Their lives are in our hands. We are their guardians. We are their voice. Speak up and be heard.

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Their affection is timeless. Their devotion is ageless. Their love is forever.

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The reason I dedicate myself to helping animals so much is because there are already so many people dedicated to hurting them

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