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Treat-Dispensing Agility & Mind Puzzles to Improve Pet Behavior | Canine Innovation

canine innovation mind puzzle improve pet behavior

Yes, we know that treat-dispensing agility & mind puzzles are helpful to pet parents who want to improve their pets’ mental health and behavior.

But did you know that it’s now possible for your dog to do them even without you around?

As per Alexandra Smith, who founded Canine Innovation,

“My goal is to drive health and wellness in the pet industry through innovative and creative solutions.”

Developing a Smart Agility Course With Canine Innovation

developing a smart agility course with canine innovation

Picture this: a regular agility course that serves as a smart course at the same time.

Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?

That’s exactly what Canine Innovation is working on right now: an automated treat-dispensing agility course just for pets.

Going into the details, Alexandra described that it consists of sensors and comes with an app. The app takes the data when your dogs use it so you can see how fast they’re learning and other relevant information.

When asked about how it came to be, the pet parent shared,

“It was an issue in my dog when she was left alone for a long time. She displayed problem behavior. I realized that it was because of anxiety, so I thought, ‘How could I occupy her and cure her of her anxiety?’”

Wanting to resolve the behavioral issue, Alexandra ordered a plastic puzzle to occupy her poodle’s attention.

But even though the puzzle was helpful in providing mental stimulation, it had no way of helping her dog with physical energy.

This led Alexandra to use a regular classic hurdle.

“I would have her [my dog] jump over it and then give her a treat. Jump, give her a treat. When I was sick, I would go to lay down, and she would jump over and then look at me for a treat… So, I realized, she was really telling me to combine them for her. So that’s what I did.”

Alexandra’s Journey With Canine Innovation

Having had the idea in April 2021, Alexandra immediately went for a patent. 

“I couldn’t find that online, and I realized this could really help in a lot of ways. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much could be done with it, even in the future,”

she said.

Fortunately, some influential people in the pet industry anchored and mentored her throughout her journey.

She also credits these individuals for helping her further improve on the idea to what it is today.

“What really drove me is that my dog really wants it in my house. I know other dogs do, and I know that there are people who aren’t able to give their dogs what they deserve. And I definitely want those dogs to get that attention, whether their owners have the time or not.”



Learn more about Canine Innovation!

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