Tell us how the transport came together?Everything came off without a hitch and these angels made it safely to their destination. Were there any memorable ...
Tell us how the transport came together?Everything seemed to go smoothly to get this angel to her destination. Were there any memorable moments from this ...
Jubal accompanied me from Clayton NM to Trinidad, Colorado, about 125 miles. He was relaxed and such a great traveler. Fell asleep about half way and snoozed until our transfer ...
Tell us how the transport came together?Signed up on doobert. First time helping in a transport. My dog was transported to me in the same fashion and I’m so grateful ...
Being a "mom" of so many past and present rescued dogs, it was great to be part of the amazing transportation teamwork which Doobert provides. I know how much joy ...
45 Texas deserving babies went north to Colorado on March 9. Two wonderful woman that where found on Doobert helped get 4 of them on thier way to Summit Animal ...
I put Aurora’s crate on my front seat with the seat belt around her crate. I have real fluffy shoulder pads on the seat belt and she liked the softness ...
Tell us how the transport came together?Everything came off without a hitch and these angels made it safely to their destination. Were there any memorable moments from this transport?When Baxter ...
Tell us how the transport came together?Logistics for our leg went great. You meet terrific people and Bella is a super special dog. Were there any memorable moments from this ...
Tell us how the transport came together?Everything seemed to go smoothly to get this angel to her destination. Were there any memorable moments from this transport?When Miss Bella curled up ...
Well, I volunteered to help transfer a Bella up to the Poconos from Mississippi. .. Only to fall in love with her... she made it to the Poconos, and now ...