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Crisis Boarding: The Safety Net for Your Shelter When Disaster Strikes

In a crisis, the safety of animals in your community is paramount. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a personal emergency, or housing instability, families in distress often struggle with one question: “What will happen to my animal companions?”

At times like these, Doobert’s Crisis Boarding Program is the game-changing solution your rescue or shelter needs, offering a lifeline for families while keeping animals safe and cared for. Designed to seamlessly integrate with our Foster Management Program, or as a standalone system, this powerful tool empowers your team to coordinate placements efficiently—ensuring pets find temporary homes when their families need it most.

Here’s why your organization can’t afford to miss out.

Why Crisis Boarding is Essential

Disasters and emergencies often hit without warning, leaving pet owners scrambling for options. Families facing evacuation, medical emergencies, or housing loss need to know their animal companions will be safe. But for shelters and rescues, managing an influx of boarding requests can be overwhelming.

That’s where Doobert’s Crisis Boarding Program shines—simplifying the entire process so you can focus on what matters: helping animals.

How Doobert’s Crisis Boarding Makes a Difference

Our Crisis Boarding Program is more than just a tool—it’s a game plan for your rescue or shelter to mobilize quickly and effectively during emergencies. Here’s what it brings to your organization:

1. Streamlined Forms for Swift, Hassle-Free Case Creation

Don’t get bogged down with paperwork. With up to four streamlined forms, you can gather all the necessary details—pet information, owner contacts, and agreements—without delays. Whether it’s intake or legal documentation, our forms are designed to save you time and get pets into safe environments faster.

Imagine this: In minutes, you’re able to collect critical details, start a new case, and initiate the boarding process—no need for back-and-forths, just seamless coordination.

2. Automated Workflows for Effortless Case Management

Two automated workflows are built into the program, so your team can stay on top of every case without losing track of crucial steps. From identifying available fosters to coordinating pick-ups, everything is automated—allowing you to act quickly and ensure no pet slips through the cracks.

Picture this: Your team receives instant notifications when a case moves forward—ensuring that every animal is placed in the right hands as efficiently as possible.

3. Versatile Communication Templates for Consistent Updates

Clear communication is vital during an emergency. With Doobert’s two versatile templates—available for both email and text—you can stay connected with pet parents, fosters, and your team. Send updates, share case status, and provide peace of mind, knowing that no message will be missed.

Think about it: In the midst of chaos, pet parents get immediate reassurance, knowing their pets are safe—and your team maintains control over the situation.

4. Tailored Case Types and Status Tracking

The program’s tailored case type for Crisis Boarding lets you easily categorize and track emergency boarding cases separately from regular foster placements. With seven comprehensive statuses, you’ll always know exactly where each animal is in the process, ensuring no miscommunications or mistakes.

Visualize this: At a glance, you can see where every animal is, what the next step is, and who’s responsible. No more guesswork, just clear, actionable insight.

Why Choose Doobert’s Crisis Boarding Program?

Implementing this program is about more than just improving processes—it’s about building trust with the people who rely on your rescue or shelter. You’ll be able to:

  • Expand your impact: Help more animals during disasters and personal emergencies with faster, more organized responses.
  • Increase community trust: Families in your community will know they can depend on your shelter or rescue to care for their pets when they’re at their most vulnerable.
  • Strengthen your network: With seamless integration into the Foster Management Program, you can tap into a broader pool of foster families ready to help.

Imagine the reputation your organization will build—as the place where no animal is left behind, even in the most challenging times.

Here’s How Crisis Boarding Can Transform Your Organization:

1. Be the Hero in Times of Crisis

You’ll be the go-to solution for families facing disaster or emergency situations, providing quick, safe placement for their pets. By offering this service, your rescue becomes a beacon of hope in difficult times.

2. Streamline Operations to Maximize Efficiency

Managing boarding requests, foster placements, and communicating with pet owners can often be chaotic. Doobert’s automated workflows, tailored case types, and status updates give you more control and efficiency, ensuring you don’t overlook any details.

3. Strengthen Your Community Ties

By offering crisis boarding, you’re not just caring for pets—you’re supporting the entire community. Pet parents will remember the shelter or rescue that safeguarded their beloved pets, helping to build lifelong trust and partnerships with your organization.

Ready to Safeguard More Animals? Start Today!

Disasters don’t wait, and neither should your organization. Sign up for Doobert’s Crisis Boarding Program today! Give your team the tools they need to act swiftly and confidently in times of need.

Prepare now for the next emergency! Learn how to enable Disaster Mode on Doobert and take your rescue’s emergency response to the next level.

Our user-friendly system and automated tools prepare you to handle any crisis with ease—ensuring every animal in your community has a safe place to stay, no matter what life throws their way.

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