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Episode 5 – Enrique Marquez

Enrique has always been a “dog” person. In the military, he had the opportunity to train and work with military working dogs but it wasn’t until he returned from Iraq that his journey started.

Several combat tours took a toll on him, both professionally and personally. He found himself in the ropes of depression and PTSD, with no way out. During those lowest points, his dog was right alongside him, always faithful. Seeing the devotion and love his dog gave him, he wanted to learn how to communicate with him, and help him overcome his own behavior problems. That idea turned into a goal, that goal turned into a passion, that passion turned into a lifestyle. A lifestyle of freedom, travel and great memories alongside his dog, where the only limit was his imagination, not his dog’s behavior or abilities. As he progressed in training, friends, neighbors and even people passing by walked up to him and shared the stories of their dog. In all those stories, he noticed not just the deep love they had for their dogs, but also the real struggles they had with them, and how it was stopping them from enjoying life to the fullest, even forcing them to give them up or make more grim choices.

Knowing first hand how life-changing it was to have his dog be part of his life, he wanted to find a way to help others and their dogs. By training dogs and teaching their people, he finally found a way to change lives, for the better.





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