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Fiv Kitty (Grey)

Picked up from Durham an hour early (5:00pm)from outstanding volunteers, Walt Williams and his wife at the preferred pick up point, Cracker Barrel on I 85.  They  transferred kitty to my car and we exchanged info, though kitty had no papers going with her.  I wasn’t sure what the issue was with that. Next I called Mickee Thomas in Greensboro to alert her we were at least an hour early and would arrive there between 6:10 and 6:40pm.  I talked with kitty during trip and played music for her from WCPE and the classical station broadcasting worldwide from Raleigh.  Cats love the music, because it helps them de-stress and entertains them.  I have watched this work wonders in the shelter with cats.  Arrived in Greensboro about 6:15.  Met Mickee and her friend at the Cracker Barrel on I-85 S.Elm St. exit.  Kitty was mewing and she had given me a slow blink and talked along the way.  Kitty mewed when transferred to Mickee’s vehicle.  Took this as a good sign she was dealing with the trip in a most positive way.  We didn’t feed her since there was only one hour to go before her overnight stop in Concord. NC.  It was a pleasure to work with Walt and Mickee.  I didn’t get any pictures this time.  Perhaps someone else did.LOVE.

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