How Contagious Is FIV To Dogs?

fiv to dogs

With a disease having the tag “feline” on its name, are you curious about how contagious is FIV to dogs? If so, wouldn’t it also be good to find out how it happens and if a pet owner could somehow prevent it?

We categorize diseases by certain characteristics, one of which is the mode in which they can be acquired or transferred. Some are carried by body fluids, some by blood, and some are inborn.

On the topic of disease transfer, pet owners also need to look into the types that can transfer from one species to another. This is especially important for those who allow their pets to interact and play with other pets under minimal supervision.


Where Does FIV Come From?

FIV is the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus diagnosed in cats from young to old age. It’s a blood-transfused disease that is widely compared to HIV in humans — one that also targets the immune system.

For cats, FIV is transferred from an infected cat to a healthy one via entering an open wound. This disease takes its time to spread inside the body and causes noticeable FIV symptoms and irreversible damage to your pet.

As hosts can only spread FIV through blood or saliva entering the bloodstream of another, this disease will not draw an owner’s worry for shared feeding and drinking bowls, as well as sanitary and grooming equipment. With its name including the word “feline,” FIV was first observed on cats as the primary host for its spread.

FIV is prominent on street cats that don’t get enough attention for food, sanitation, and grooming. However, it doesn’t have a direct medicine for complete cure.


Where Can FIV Spread?

Now that the previous section has pointed out the source, the next thing to check is the direction this virus can go towards following its spread. While it’s natural for viral particles to take all possible paths available to survive, this section will focus more on finding out how contagious is FIV to dogs, particularly the ones that are at home most of the time.

First, FIV does not spread to dogs or humans. More specifically, there has been no known nor confirmed case of the virus getting transferred from a cat into another species such as dogs or other pets.

This may be due to the sensitivity of the virus, which makes it somewhat picky about its environment. Such characteristics make its chance of survival outside the body relatively small, more so for cross-species transfer.

FIV transfer is even more unlikely to happen for home canine buddies. Since it’s through blood transfer, it’s unlikely for a pet that remains at home to have an encounter with an FIV-positive cat.

If you do plan to adopt and introduce an FIV-positive cat into your home, gradual interaction is advisable, allowing them to get acquainted with one another slowly. This will lessen the probability of them fighting and getting wounds from each other.


Is There An Immunodeficiency Virus In Dogs?

fiv to dogs

Since there’s no need to worry about how contagious is FIV to dogs, it’s time to move and find if there’s anything similar to it that an owner needs to look out for their pets. FIV is only for felines, so this section will tackle whether a similar immunodeficiency virus or disease can be observed in dogs.

So, is there an immunodeficiency virus in dogs? The answer to this query is “yes”. There’s both an immunodeficiency virus and immunodeficiency disease that canines can contract.

These types of diseases can be both hereditary and contracted at a later age. As a condition seen in different dog breeds, it’s necessary to watch out for its symptoms regardless of age, gender, and breed.

Within the immunodeficiency category, there are multiple subtypes that a veterinarian can identify. Depending on the dog’s contracted disease, the following symptoms can arise and worsen,

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Lesions on the skin
  • Difficulty walking or lameness
  • Joint pain 
  • Recurrent illnesses
  • Anemia
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting

Since these symptoms can cover a broad range of other diseases, seeing one or more of them on your pet should alert you for a vet appointment. As it’s necessary to get a proper diagnosis, the appointment may entail tests to pinpoint the dog’s illness, and you can get recommendations for appropriate medication and care.

If you’re adopting a dog, especially from rescue homes, it’s best to visit a vet as soon as you meet each other. Doing so will lessen the chance of any possible undiagnosed disease from getting worse.

If you’re also curious about diabetes in dogs, you can learn more about it by clicking the link.



There’s the answer and explanation on “how contagious is FIV to dogs”, as well as symptoms that should warrant attention for possible immunodeficiency in dogs. Note that prevention and early diagnosis are the keys to keeping your pet healthy for long.

Diseases can easily spread when animals don’t get attention, and capable people such as yourself can offer a helping hand. Visit Doobert now and learn how you can volunteer and adopt animals that need new homes!

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