How to Add Your Animal Profiles to Doobert | Quick Add & Full Add

Photo of black and brown rescue dog

There are two ways to add animal profiles on Doobert. You can use Quick Add to add multiple animals at once or Full Add to individually create detailed animal profiles.


Follow the steps below to learn how to use these two features to add animal profiles to your organization’s account.


Adding Animal Profiles


Step 1: On your Organization Dashboard, click on the Animals tab

Step 2: Select Add/Archive Profiles



After that, you’ll see the Quick Add and Full Add options.



Adding Animal Profiles Using Quick Add


Quick Add lets you quickly add multiple animals. You can choose this option to save time when you need to bulk add animals to your organization. You can always go back and add more information to each animal’s profile when needed.


Step 1: Select Quick Add under Add/Archive Profiles


Step 2: Add in the animals


The Quick Add table has 5 rows by default. If you need to add more animals, simply click the Add More button.


Once you’ve added all the animals, click Save to add the animals to your account.


Adding Animal Profiles Using Full Add


Full Add lets you create a detailed animal profile or Ambassador page for your animals. You can share each animal’s Ambassador page on social media, so the more images, videos, and information you add, the more effective it will be in attracting more fosters or adopters for your pets.


Step 1: Click Add/Archive Profiles then Full Add 


Step 2: Provide the initial details then click Create


Step 3: Complete the animal profile

Add the basic information about the animal.


Next, add photos and videos to allow potential fosters or adopters to get a better glimpse of the animal’s personality.


The provided RescueTUBE bucket number lets you upload additional photos and videos to the animal’s profile straight from your smartphone using the Doobert mobile app. If you want to collect images and videos from volunteers or fosters, you can easily share the bucket number with them.


You can also add images and videos manually by clicking on the plus icon.


Another thing you can do is use tags to categorize your animals throughout the Doobert platform. For example, you can add a “neonatal” tag on all the newborn kittens’ profiles so you can quickly search them when needed.


To easily assign a group of animals to one foster, you can add a group name. For example, if a dog named Lily gave birth to a litter of 5 puppies, you can add something like “Lily’s puppy litter” as the group name on each puppy’s profile. That way when you assign a litter to a foster, you can simply type “Lily’s puppy litter” and the names of all 5 puppies will show up.


You can use the Organization Notes section to add any internal notes or comments regarding the animal. These notes will only be visible to authorized admins from your organization.


The Foster Notes section is where you can read the notes that fosters will add about the animals in their care. Fosters have the ability to add notes about their foster pet on their Volunteer Dashboard.


Showcasing A Pet’s Personality with Ambassador Pages

Help your pets find forever homes faster by filling their Ambassador page with fun photos, videos, and facts!


After filling out the top section of their animal profile, you can click on Advanced to add more information and help potential fosters and adopters get to know them even more.


You can add things like their likes and dislikes.


As well as their rescue story.

You can also add the animal’s Status on their profile.


Choose the animal’s current status. Are they at the shelter? Are they with a foster?


For animals who are in danger of being put down, you can even add the euthanization date on their profile.


Make sure click on the toggle to if you want to make the information visible to the public.


You can also show the animal’s intake information for potential fosters or adopters to easily view from the animal’s profile.


If your animals have their own social media account or page on your website, you can add the URL here so interested fosters and adopters can check it out.


Lastly, you can attach any photos or important documents, like CVI’s or the animal’s behavior assessment.



Once you have completed all the information for your animal, click Save.


Simple, isn’t it? Your animal profile is now added to your organization’s database! It will now be visible for the Doobert volunteers looking for furbabies to transport, foster, and more!

Ready to add your animals to Doobert? Sign up to get started!

Already have animal profiles on another animal shelter database?

No problem! You can check out this blog to learn how to import them.


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