How to Set Up A Public Page for Your Organization on Doobert


Did you know that your organization has a public page on Doobert?


You can customize it to display the information you want about your organization, including specific guidelines you’d like volunteers to follow.


You can also attach files, such as documents and forms so people can quickly view and download them if necessary—no need to email them to every new volunteer.


Another cool thing about your Doobert public page is that it automatically populates with every new transport you create and reflects open legs that volunteers can sign up for!


Pretty neat, right? Here’s how it works.


Getting Started


Step 1: Sign Up on Doobert

Haven’t signed up your organization on Doobert? Click here to join the Doobert community today!

If you already have an organization account, you can move on to step 2.


Step 2: Go to Organization Settings

You can find Organization Settings by hovering your cursor over the drop-down menu beside your profile photo on the upper right-hand side.

Once you click on that, you’ll be brought to the Organization Account Settings page. To edit your public Doobert page, click on Edit Organization Profile.


Step 3: Fill-out your organization profile

The first part of the profile is mostly basic information about your organization. If you wish to leave some sections blank, you’re free to do so.

Once you scroll down, you’ll see that you can actually provide your email address so payments for reservations on your routes, purchases from your rescue store, donations, and the like can be routed directly to your Paypal account


You also have the option to monitor the donations your organization receives.


On the lower portion of the profile, you’ll find a section where you can detail guidelines or rules that other Doobert members must follow when interacting with you.


Don’t forget to customize your coverage map (steps are shown after the final step in this process)  so you can simply display it on your profile for everyone to see. The next time someone asks, you can easily direct them to your public page.


If you want to display links to certain pages on your website or even social media channels, you can certainly do so.


Lastly, you have the option to upload files—maybe a document showing your organization’s policies or forms that you need volunteers to fill out—so that people can quickly access them via your public page.


Finalize the information on your public page by clicking Update.


To see how your public page appears to other Doobert users, scroll back up and click Preview Public Profile.


Customizing Your Coverage Map


Step 1: Click Create/View Your Coverage Map

Step 2: Plot your coverage area

Hit the ctrl button on your keyword while simultaneously scrolling the wheel on your mouse forward or backward to zoom in or out of the map.


Click and drag the nodes to expand or decrease your coverage area.


To open Street View, you can click and drag Pegman onto the map.


After creating your coverage area, click Save.


People will be able to view your coverage area on your public page by clicking on the Show Coverage Area button.

Making Your Page/Profile Private

You have the freedom to make your Public Doobert Page/Profile private or limit the information being displayed. We’ll walk you through the process.


Step 1: Go to Organization Account Settings


Step 2: Click Edit Organization Profile

Step 3: Click on the Privacy tab

Step 4: Click on Private Profile


If you just want to hide certain information, scroll down and you’ll find a section showing all the information currently being displayed on your profile.


Uncheck the boxes beside the details that you don’t want to appear on your public profile.


After that, click Update.



Viewing Your Existing Public Doobert Profile


Step 1: Go to the More tab.

On your Organization Dashboard, click on the More tab.

Step 2: Click on Public Doobert Page


You’ll then be able to see the information you chose to display on your public Doobert page, including open legs that volunteers can easily click and sign up for!

After setting up your Public Doobert Page, you can copy and paste the link on your website to make it easy for volunteers to know more about your organization—contact details, guidelines, and all—and also sign up for open legs!


That way, instead of having to manually answer questions from people interested to transport, foster, donate, and just get involved in general, you can simply direct them to one place where they can access all the details they need!


Here is a quick video of Chris Roy, founder of Doobert walking you through what your Doobert Public Page is and how you can add it to your website!



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