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5 awesome tips you can steal from rescue relay transport to apply to your daily commute

Improve your daily commute with these awesome tricks from rescuing animals

Volunteers that save animals on a rescue relay transport know how inspiring and heartwarming it is to make a difference in the lives of animals by giving them a safe ride to their destination.  You might be surprised to learn, but there’s a lot you can garner from animal rescue relay that might be good to consider while you are commuting to work every day.

1. Prepare your purpose and then embody it throughout your commute

angry driverIt may sound strange but have you thought about what your purpose is for your daily commute?  Are you so groggy while commuting to work that you do not even pay attention to your real purpose for driving?

When you are rescuing animals your mission is to get them safely from their pick-up to their drop-off point.  As an animal rescuer, you are their temporary caretaker and their well-being is in your hands.  Rescue transporters take extra care to make sure their precious cargo is secured either in a crate or a harness and they are more diligent than normal to reduce the sharp turns, quick starts and stops and unnecessary roughness of the ride.

Your purpose on your commute to work is to arrive safely, without stress, and of course on-time because you have a schedule to keep.  If that is your purpose for your daily commute, how successful are you in achieving that on a daily basis?  Imagine if you had a rescue animal on-board every day that you are commuting to work.  Do you think your approach will change?

2. Bring your transport kit; pre-packed

winter emergency car kitAnyone that has been involved in animal rescue transport knows that you need to be prepared for the inevitable.  Rescue transporter pre-pack their transport kit and keep it freshly stocked with puppy pads, gloves, towels, USB chargers and all of the information on pet-friendly locations along the route.  Now, we’re not saying you need to pack puppy pads for your daily commute (no judgment if you do) but do you have a travel kit packed with essentials in case you need them?

Practically anywhere in the United States there’s going to be bad weather and if you’re in the northern states, winter is just around the corner.  Does your travel kit include things like a shovel, blanket, candles and kitty litter for getting traction on ice?  Animal rescue transporter are always prepared and you should be too.

3. Celebrate collaboration and togetherness

One of the best parts about saving animals is that you are not alone.  You are part of a greater community of loving, caring people with a passion for helping animals.  They inspire each other, they support each other and they work together on the toughest challenges.

It seems that when you commute to work that you’re on your own and everyone is out to get you doesn’t it?  Daily commuters could learn a lesson or two from the animal rescue industry about working together towards a common goal and purpose.  Your purpose is to arrive safely, non-stressed and on-time.  If everyone works together on their daily commute then we can all accomplish our goals.

Be the odd-person out while driving to work.  Celebrate the commute and the common goal that you and your fellow drivers have.  Work together to help everyone arrive safely.

4. Inspire others to their best selves

benefit of the doubtNot a day goes by that we don’t hear about a new incident of road rage.  Whether it’s people cutting someone off, or more serious incidents of people confronting someone in an effort to get even it seems as though the defensive driving skills went out the window in exchange for the best offensive skills.

In the animal rescue world, we celebrate each other and the collective successes as they serve to inspire others.  “You inspire me” is a phrase that is common among animal rescues as they share their most recent rescues through photos, and stories.

On your daily commute, be the inspiration for others.  Assume that the people around you are having just a bad day and need a break.  Be the person that gives them the benefit of the doubt.

5. Rejuvenate your senses

dog doing yogaAnimals are often stressed on a rescue relay transport.  They are not sure what’s happening, where they are going, or what fate will become them at their final destination.  One of the ways that rescue transporters can help calm them is by stimulating their senses.  They play soft, classical music, and use calming scents and essential oil blends to allow aromatherapy to help calm the nerves of their passengers.

If your car smells like the inside of your garage then you are probably stressing out your own sense of smell and you may not even know it.  Take a page from your animal rescue friends and put an air freshener or some essential oils inside to add a calming mood to your daily commute.  Play some soft music or perhaps some de-stressing binary beats as a way to give your ears a break as you drive through traffic.  You’ll arrive at the office more refreshed and with less stress and anxiety than when you left home.

Animal rescue transport can teach us a lot about how to relax and inspire the world through our daily commute.  And if you’d like to become a better person and learn more about how you can save animals, be sure to join us and tell your friends to sign-up!

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