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Sage Advice About animal rescue Transport From a Five-Year-Old

Sage Advice About animal rescue Transport From a Five-Year-Old

Early on in life, parents teach their kids some important life-lessons that when you apply them to animal rescue transport, still make a lot of sense today.  Here’s a few of our favorites:

Be prepared

The old Boy Scout motto still holds true today and especially when you’re planning your pet transport services for rescue animals.  Being prepared before the transport starts by having the right equipment (cleaned and sanitized of course), Contact information (in the form of your run sheet from the TC or Doobert), and even alternative plans should things take an unplanned turn while on the relay transport.


Hold hands

Having an extra pair of hands in the form of a co-pilot on your rescue transport is always a good idea.  I know when I’m flying dogs that I never leave on a mission without another person to help me.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared when you’re at the yoke of a 2,000 pound airplane 1 mile in the air.  So having someone there to hold your hand and support you while you take care of animals is sage advice indeed.

Always share

Volunteering on a rescue relay transport isn’t about isolation, it’s about collaboration.  Now is your time to proactively share your ideas regarding where to meet for the safe hand-off, how to reach you via text or phone or email and any change in your plans.  Then after the animal rescue journey is complete, sharing your stories and photos with the other rescue volunteers is a must.  We’re all in this together and we need to support one another.

Tell the truth

If you’re unsure about your ability to come through for the team on the day of your rescue transport, then you shouldn’t be signing up.  Tell the truth.  Nobody wants to see a volunteer drop off the transport at the last minute when they’ve been counting on you all along so be upfront with your availability and only sign-up for what you know you can commit to.

No need to write a book here. These sage advice lessons hold as true today as they did many decades ago.

What lessons can you add to the list?

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