What Does Wormy Dog Poop Look Like?

What Does Wormy Dog Poop Look Like?

Finding worms in dog poop is a serious situation and requires immediate action, so knowing what does wormy dog poop look like is a great start. Various parasites, including worms, are common in dogs.

Worms can cause different health concerns and are highly contagious. This article will discuss worms in dog poop, its causes, possible treatment options, and prevention, so keep reading.


How Do Worms End Up In Dog Poop

There are different ways as to how worms can end up in dog poop.


1. Eating infected stool

Worms in dogs are usually transmitted through fecal-oral routes. It means that if a dog accidentally ingests parasitic eggs in poop, the eggs will enter the dog’s body.


2. From the mother dog

Puppies can get worms if their mother is infected. They can either get it through drinking the mother’s milk or before they are born.


3. Raw meat diet or eating prey animals

Dogs can get flukes and tapeworms by eating raw meat. These worm types form a cyst in their tissues and become active and multiply when consumed.


4. Eating external parasites

Worms can also use parasites like fleas that live in a dog’s body for transmission. A dog that accidentally eats a flea may have an infestation of tapeworms or other parasites.


5. Through skin contact

Hookworm larvae can penetrate through the skin and infect dogs. It happens when a dog comes in contact with a stool that contains the larvae.


Types of Worms in Dog Poop

What Does Wormy Dog Poop Look Like?

What does wormy dog poop look like? Here are the four common types of worms for you to get an idea.



Most puppies are born with microscopically small roundworms in their tissues, while adult dogs also get them but do not show signs. Roundworms are visible in dogs’ poop or vomit and appear in light color, looking like spaghetti.



This type of worm is flat and lives in the dog’s intestines. Tapeworms transfer from dogs to other canines through fleas.

They can reach up to two feet in length and have many segments. Tapeworms do not usually cause serious diseases to dogs but can irritate their anus.



Hookworms are common in dogs. They can be deadly, especially for puppies, since they stick to the small intestine’s wall and suck blood.

This worm type is small, thin, and has hook-like mouthparts. Dogs usually get hookworms when they contact larvae in soil or by ingesting them. 



Whipworms live in the cecum attached to the dog’s large intestine. They are seldomly seen in dogs’ stools but look like tiny thread pieces with one end enlarged.

Dogs can get this type of worm from the stool where they shed eggs. They can survive for years and infect other fur babies when eaten.


Signs of Worms in Dog Poop

Here are the signs an owner must watch out for to know if a dog has a worm infestation.

  • Diarrhea with mucus and/or blood
  • Worms or worm segments in poop, stuck or protruding out the anus
  • Vomiting (sometimes with worms)
  • Bloated stomach
  • Dry and dull-looking fur
  • Loss of weight
  • Lack of stamina or energy
  • A noticeable unhealthy appearance
  • Licking or dragging their butt on carpet or grass

These symptoms indicate that a dog may have a worm infestation. It is always better to consult a veterinarian for immediate action.


Treating Worms in Dog Poop

The first thing to do when there is an identified worm infestation on dogs is to contact the veterinarian right away. The hardest thing about getting rid of worms is not knowing what does wormy dog poop look like and what type of worm has infected the dog. In this scenario,  take a stool sample and let the expert test it.

Hookworms and roundworms have the same treatment. Over-the-counter dewormers will work effectively in getting rid of these parasites as long as treatment persists until there are no symptoms of infestation.

Whipworms, on the other hand, are harder to diagnose and treat. Over-the-counter medications will not work, so a prescription is needed for the dewormers you will need. 

For tapeworms, a two-step process is needed — killing the live worms in the dog’s gut and getting rid of the fleas that caused the infestation. Just like treating whipworms, over-the-counter medications will not suffice, so a prescription is needed.



Worm infestations are a serious problem that may put a dog’s health at risk if not acted upon immediately. However, it can be prevented and a veterinarian has the best options for monthly prevention.

It is disheartening that not all dogs can get the treatments to keep them healthy and safe from parasites and other diseases. However, supporting Doobert will allow more dogs to have better lives that they can enjoy.

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