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Adopt A Senior Pet Month

Looking for another reason to bring home a new furry friend?  Well then today is your lucky day because we’re here to tell you that November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! While kittens and puppies are cute and cuddly, older animals are just as loving (if not more) and need forever homes, too! Unfortunately, senior pets are often the last to be adopted, which puts them at an increased risk of being euthanized. This is why Adopt A Senior Pet Month is so important. When you adopt an older pet, you’re not only bringing home a loving companion, but you’re also saving a life! There are many negative stigmas that prevent senior animals from being adopted, but we will prove them wrong!



  • Many are surrendered because their previous owners are ill or elderly themselves.
  • Some owners may not be able to financially take care of their pet anymore.
  • Some may be given up as they age and are unable to do activities that they once could.
  • Owners get tired or caring for them and their inevitable health issues.


  1. They don’t need constant monitoring. Senior pets are less likely to cause trouble and play with everything in sight! They are emotionally mature and have a more mellow temperament than their younger counterparts.
  2. They are already housebroken. Most older animals are already house trained or know how to use a litter box. There will be no messes to clean up and less stress on you!
  3. You’ll know their personality type right away. An older animal has an established temperament, unlike a kitten or puppy that will go through many developmental changes. In other words, you can be sure that the animal will be a perfect match when you first meet him or her!download-4
  4. They know they are being saved. Ask anyone who has adopted an older animal and they will tell you that they know their pets are grateful. The love that these animals have to offer is absolutely amazing.
  5. They are great with kids. Older animals are much more patient with children, as long as they don’t have a medical condition that makes it painful to be touched. Older pets also have the benefit of teaching children responsibility.
  6. They’re adaptable. You most definitely can, “teach an old dog new tricks.” Dogs and cats of any age can keep learning and growing, as well as adapt to a new environment.

Take advantage of this awesome month and adopt a loving senior pet from your local shelter!  You might end up asking yourself, “who saved who?”

Search the ASPCA database to find available adult cats and dogs in a shelter near you!


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