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Challenging Society’s Attitude Towards Undesirable Dogs | Reboundog

Challenging Society’s Attitude Towards Disadvantaged People and Undesirable Dogs | Reboundog

In a society where the greater majority lives below acceptable living standards, disadvantaged people have become a common sight.

In fact, it’s now reached the point where many have started to turn a blind eye to what’s going on.

Fortunately, there are still individuals and welfare groups that strive to give a helping hand to those who are in dire need of it.

“I believe that undesirable dogs and disadvantaged people have the right to actually belong in society rather than be cast into the dark shadows.”

So says Spencer Hodgetts, founder of Reboundog.

Reboundog is a group of pet advocacy and therapy professionals collaborating from all over the world. Its goal is to resolve huge social issues that one normally cannot solve alone.

Founder of Reboundog

It may sound like an ambitious goal, but Spencer, a social entrepreneur who has turned international networking into art with a social impact, believes it is achievable.

He explains in the podcast,

“I really don’t know (the step-by-step process to achieve that), but if I can provide the platform that would help bring the conversation along…bring the social workers in, sure.”

Challenging Society’s Attitude Towards Disadvantaged People and Undesirable Dogs | Reboundog

“It is my personal goal to enhance and improve the lives of those who have been kicked around,”

Spencer adds. This extends to both disadvantaged people and undesirable animals.

For over half a century, Spencer has used his listening and networking skills to connect individuals who can make a social impact and who dream of a better world for both humans and animals alike.

According to Spencer,

“I’ve taken that background of 50 years and found something that really drives me. Those who haven’t got a voice, how do we give that animal or person an opportunity to participate? So, we connect and collaborate so we bring people together, and together we can really, really make a difference.”

This is where the idea of Reboundog as a social-impact network came into being.

The Birth of Reboundog

Reboundog aims to become a platform where individuals from all walks of life can engage with one another.

One of its main objectives is to find those professionals who are making an influence on society and educate and empower the next generation of pet advocacy and therapy professionals to make a change that can impact communities.

On the animals’ side, Spencer and Reboundog intend to innovate the common methods of rescuing animals.

This way, they can change society’s attitude towards undesirable dogs.

Spencer expounds on the subject,

“We have to look at it another way. Those dogs have value in society. If we can enable some of them to become not just therapy dogs and pre-train them on what to do with veterans, with PTSD, those sight dogs and hearing dogs… If we can get somebody to train, who can teach them to listen…then we can inspire a change within the animal rescue community and within the disadvantaged and the privileged side of the world.”

What about the costs?

“There is a cost. But, if you turn that from the cost of training dogs and people to that huge social cost we have at the moment that’s coming out of our taxes and what it costs society to disregard these people and throw them away, it balances out. We end up achieving…an inclusive society.”


Learn more about Reboundog!

Go to their website at

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