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Eye-Opening Film About Dog Fighting Aims to Shed Light on Animal Cruelty | Chance the Film

Eye-Opening Film About Dog Fighting Aims to Shed Light on Animal Cruelty | Chance the Film

Did you know that about 57% of the population don’t believe that dogfighting actually happens in their communities?

And yet, approximately 40,000 individuals actively participate in dogfighting activities in the U.S alone.

One of the most heinous forms of animal cruelty, dogfighting is a sport wherein people make dogs fight to the death

It is not as widespread as it used to be. But, even forced underground, the inhumane bloodsport still persists and degrades dogs’ quality of life.

Chance the Film and the Horrors of Dogfighting

Eye-Opening Film About Dog Fighting Aims to Shed Light on Animal Cruelty | Chance the Film

Despite its horrors, many people know only a little about the sport. So, in an effort to open more people’s eyes, Brandon Wynn and his colleagues co-produced a film entitled “Chance”.

Brandon shared,

“I’m not necessarily just pushing this film. I want to bring awareness to the issue of dogfighting and responsible pet ownership.”

The animated film talks about how an optimistic puppy is forced into the brutal world of underground dog fighting. It includes his journey of hope, courage, compassion, and friendship, as they promise to live through the horrors and escape to a place where they can be at peace without having to fight.

Chance tells the story from the eyes of the innocent dogs who had the misfortune to become victims of the bloodsport.

According to Brandon,

“The beautiful part about this film is that it really allows an everlasting conversation around the issue surrounding dogfights. And it leads to social justice, responsible pet ownership, understanding what leads to some of these issues… By having a dog relay that message, it kind of gets the message further than humans.”

Eye-Opening Film About Dog Fighting Aims to Shed Light on Animal Cruelty | Chance the Film

Brandon understands that it can be difficult to have a conversation about the issue of dogfighting.

However, considering that it still occurs in many parts of the country despite being illegal in all 50 U.S. states, Brandon and his co-producers wanted to help educate, bring awareness, and evoke change.

So, they decided to delve into platforms like films, where it can be a little easier to talk about and relate to.

“Chance” was intended to showcase the reality and shed light on the issue of dogfighting. But, Brandon stated that they still consider the film both family-friendly and kid-friendly.

Nonetheless, he was also vocal in saying that it would depend on how comfortable the parents are in tackling the matter with their children.

“In most movies, you don’t necessarily see bad things happen to dogs, you know? So, I think just being an advocate for animals and understanding the mental aspect of it, that’s a part that I went into in the script… And we had to take some things out,”

Brandon added.

The film talks about “Chance”, a dog with dreams and strong values who believes in standing up for what’s right. He and his group of friends dream of living a happy life. However, they are eventually forced to face cruelty that could soon be their reality and alter the happy life they long for.

“Chance” is available on many platforms, including Apple TV and Amazon. So, if you want to get a bigger discussion going on dogfighting, “Chance” is a great resource to bring more people together.


Want to know more about Chance the Film?

Check out the trailer on YouTube:

Visit their website at

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