Are you feeding your pets with the same thing over and over during every meal? You can probably imagine how painfully dull that is. You might also notice that your dog isn’t enjoying their dog food or kibble anymore.
Like humans, dogs do crave something new and delicious once in a while. As a pet parent, that could be hard since not all homemade dog food recipes on the internet contain the essential nutrients they need.
Nicole Marchand, CEO of Dog Child, faced the same problem. She wanted to cook for her dog, Charlotte, to make her eat healthier and happier, but she couldn’t find a recipe with enough nutrients. So, she created her own.
Feeding your Precious Dogs At Home
Nicole’s veterinarian gave her a stern scolding once she shared that she tried home cooking for her dog. She learned that,
“There’s a lot of dogs that come in for home cooking with nutrient deficiency, broken bones, and a lot of the online recipes lack essential nutrients and are not properly formulated.”
Despite that, Nicole just could not let go of the idea of cooking for her dog. So, she created her own meal mixes and ensured they contained sufficient essential nutrients to keep dogs healthy.
With Dog Child, Nicole wanted to,
“Help pet parents and empower them to be able to cook for their pets at home and make it in an easy way, so you can use ingredients you can find in your house and really simplify the process.”
She successfully created meal mixes that provide optimal enjoyment and health for dogs. Her company made the perfect supplement to give dogs a complete and balanced meal while giving your pet a modern-day luxury meal!
Spoiling Your Pet with Dog Child’s Meal Mixes
Dog Child offers a wide range of nutritionally optimal products that has all the essential nutrients and vitamins that your dog will need to thrive and function.
Currently, three main meal mixes are available; Mixed Veggie, Organic Oats and Berries, and Grain Free Meal Mix.
“Simple and accessible for people to cook for their dogs.”
Each product was carefully crafted and formulated to create simple, delicious, and nutritious meal mixes that would make both pet and owner happy. With the number of choices, Nicole promises a wide variety.
She consulted with various experts, including veterinarian advisors and an animal nutrition consultant, to ensure that the product’s formula delivered what it intended.
In 15 minutes, you can cook tasty meals by adding ground protein (meat, chicken, lamb, etc.,) water, and oil! Less stress and hassle to make your precious pet happy during meal times!
“I want us to be the destination when you think about cooking for your dogs.”
Dog Child meal mixes are for adult maintenance and consumption. They are for adult dogs that generally weigh up to 90 pounds. Ensure you read the label or instructions carefully before giving them to your dog.
You can visit their official website at if you want to order one of their meal mixes. You can use the discount code: DOOBERT to get 15% off their products!