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Automated Photo Editor Increases Adoption Rates In Shelters | Adoptimize

We hear it time and time again: “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

And undoubtedly, the saying holds true for many homeless pets.

For them, a single photo can make the difference between life and death.

The deciding factor?

How good a photo is at attracting an adopter.

For most people, taking great pet photos is second nature.

However, for busy and undermanned animal shelters working with stressed-out animals, it’s often a challenge.

This is the unfortunate discovery that Jessica Schleder, founder and CEO of Adoptimize, made when she began volunteering for local animal shelters a few years back.

“I was pretty horrified by the lack of data and technology that really impeded their ability to serve the community in the way that they really want to. And part of that is the images.”

Because animal shelters don’t have the tools and resources to produce good pet photos, many homeless animals get overlooked by adopters and end up getting euthanized.

This motivated Jessica to innovate a solution.

She used her background in building digital products to create Adoptimize.

Adoptimize in Action

Adoptimize is an easy-to-use software that “automates great pet photos”.

In Jessica’s words:

“We take the shelter out of shelter photos in just 15 seconds.”

Go ahead and scroll through these before and after photos to see Adoptimize in action!

using adoptimize to make this cat look prettier

using adoptimize for this dog

dog looking at camera with yellow backgrounddog looking at camera with purple background

this cat looks even prettier with adoptimize

Pretty impressive, right?

By swapping out the original background for a cleaner, more eye-catching one, it instantly makes the pets look picture-perfect!

Through this technology, Adoptimize has helped thousands of homeless pets find a forever home.

In fact, El Paso Animal Services, an animal shelter that participated in a two-month study of Adoptimize, saw a 60% higher adoption rate for dogs with an Adoptimize image than those that didn’t.

Of course, the El Paso Animal Services is just one of the animal shelters that experienced higher adoption rates with the automated pet photo editor. Others even saw higher foster and return-to-owner rates!

If you’re interested in reading more about how this pet photo editor has helped their users, you can check out their case studies here.

How Does Adoptimize Work?

Now that you’ve seen the magic that Adoptimize can do, you’re probably wondering how it works and how you can start using it yourself.

Created to make it more convenient for animal shelters to take photos of scared and distraught animals during intake, Adoptimize is easy to use.

adoptimize process step 1

adoptimize process step 2

adoptimize step 3

Want to use Adoptimize for your own animal shelter or rescue?

Browse through their available plans here!

Fosters Can Use Adoptimize, Too!

The automated pet photo editor was initially created with animal shelters and rescues in mind.

Still, there’s a version that’s FREE for fosters to use.

So, if you’re a volunteer foster who’s looking for a better way to get your foster pet noticed and adopted, why not give it a try?

For fosters, the process is a little different but of course, just as quick and easy.

how foster parents can use adoptimize step 1how foster can use adoptimize step 2

how foster can use adoptimize step 3

Ready to try it out for yourself?

Click here and start making your foster pet’s photos stand out on pet adoption sites and social media!



Learn more about Adoptimize!

Check out their website at

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