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National Best Friends Day: Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend

National Best Friends Day: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend

National Best Friends Day: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend

Everyone has that one special friend that they can always count on to be there for them, keep their secrets, and simply be their go-to companion when they need a break from the harsh realities of life; someone they call their best friend. And as we celebrate National Best Friends Day this June 8, 2020, don’t forget to show yours, the love and appreciation they deserve for sticking with you through thick and thin; regardless whether they’re of the two-legged or four-legged variety!

Speaking of our four-legged friends, have you ever wondered why dogs are dubbed as man’s best friend? Well, dog owners and dog lovers probably have a pretty good idea as to why, but we’ll tell you anyway because there’s no better day to recognize how deserving our canine pals are of that title than today! So sit tight, pull your furry best friend close, and read on for the reasons why dogs are natural-born best friend material!


Dogs don’t hold grudges.

Ever watched a video of a dog sporting matted hair and injured limbs being rescued from the streets? As heartbreaking as it is to see them in that condition, it’s absolutely amazing to see them bounce back and act as though they didn’t go through hell and back after just a few days or weeks.

National Best Friends Day: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend

Many homeless dogs have been abused, neglected, or abandoned, yet remain so open and willing to forgive and forget. They never let the mistake of one human tarnish the image they have of another and instead, continue to give their trust and love to those around them. It’s such a great quality and one that we should definitely be inspired to develop in ourselves, as well.


Instead, they hold on to the good times.

Dogs don’t hold grudges, but they do hold on to good memories. That’s why when you show a dog kindness—doesn’t matter whether you’re feeding them or giving them belly rubs—they remember you and do their best to thank you the best way that they know-how, which is usually through butt wiggles and dog kisses. Pretty fair trade, in our opinion!

National Best Friends Day: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend


Dogs are loyal to a fault.

Loyalty is without a doubt one of the most important qualities that a friend should have. And while it can sometimes be a challenge to find human friends that are loyal enough to stay by your side no matter what, our four-legged friends have got this quality down pat! So if you’re a proud dog pawrent, consider yourself one of the lucky ones because you have a best friend that will happily stick with you through the ups and downs.

National Best Friends Day: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend


Dogs can teach us to love life.

You know, we can learn a thing or two about how to live life from dogs. While many of us are so used to getting caught up in the mundane details of life and stressing over things that oftentimes, we don’t even have control over, dogs live in the moment and find joy in the simple things.

When was the last time you woke up and instead of immediately reaching for your phone to check your emails,  just took a minute to appreciate the sound of the birds singing outside your window? Or perhaps, while walking down the street, took a moment to marvel at the clear blue skies above you?

National Best Friends Day: 5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Called Man’s Best Friend

Life isn’t and will never be perfect, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to be thankful for. Let’s learn from our canine friends and allow ourselves to smile and be grateful even for the littlest of things.


Why do you think dogs are called man’s best friend? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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