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A Social Network Where Pet Parents Support Each Other’s Journey to Pet Parenthood | Purrch App

Purrch as A Social Network Where Pet Parents Support Each Other’s Journey to Pet Parenthood

Looking for a pet app that’s the Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram version for pet parents?

Let Purrch surprise you with all its features!

According to Vail Weymann, the co-founder and CEO of Purrch,

“It’s really a place for pet parents to come together, swap advice, share recommendations, and support each other’s pet parent journey. We like to describe the Purrch experience as peer-to-peer-led with expert goodness sprinkled on top.”

Purrch as a Social Network Exclusively for Pet Parents

Purrch as a social network exclusively for pet parents

One of the benefits of Purrch is that it helps pet guardians like you to connect with other pet people. It also allows pet parents to discover new products that their animals may love and learn from pet professionals.

According to Vail,

“…We believe the value of an experienceat least on the Purrch experienceis about connecting real people, real pet parents, to other real people, to other pet parents, as opposed to an experience that is expert-led or sponsored. We really want this to be an opportunity for our pet parents to connect with other pet parents just like them and really share what they’ve learned and experienced for the benefit of everybody.”

This way, even if pet parenthood can be complicated, it is possible to have a better everyday life for pets and the humans who love and care for them.

How Purrch Came to Be

Vail began to conceptualize an online community after she and her husband adopted a red-nosed pitbull they named Rosie. Rosie was very good around people but not with other dogs.

“Living in New York City trying to manage a dog that didn’t like other dogs in the apartment building of the small elevator, you can imagine it was challenging at times,”

Vail said.

a dog mom calming down her pup

With all the challenges Rosie had, Vail just wanted to find a community that could support their family’s journey to pet parenthood.

However, what made things more difficult was that pet parenting can be expensive and time-consuming. And at the time, she was juggling the role of being a mother to a one-year-old son.

“That’s really when the wheel started turning for how can we create a community where connections are made for me based on [my] pet’s attributes versus me having to go out and really search for that community of people.”

With that thought, she and her co-founder, Ken Herbert, who is also a self-proclaimed pet nerd-slash-developer, teamed up to create a pet-focused social network that put community and collaboration as a priority.

The Purrch App for Pet Parents

purrch app for pet parents

Unlike other social networks that offer entertainment value, the Purrch team’s purpose and mission are much more profound.

More than entertaining pet parents, Vail and her team want to make pet life more fun and easier to navigate. To this end, their goal is to become the primary go-platform that supports the pet parent journey, including making the right pet parenting decisions.

“One of the things that we found is that our users want an even more tailored experience as opposed to just a [community of] other dog owners like them. They want to go even deeper to very specific needs, or concern, or interest around their pets.”

purrch app website

In response, they launched a pilot program where they teamed up with other business partners to support three communities. These include communities about dogs with cancer, dogs who suffer from anxiety, and dogs who suffer from tummy troubles.

“We thought it would be pretty awesome to be able to dig deeper into each pettheir personality, their health and wellness concernsand then create connections within the Purrch experience between people that have similar cats or similar dogs. And going a level deeper than having just a dog or a cat…but going into their personality, health, and wellness traits and really create a community around those similarities,”

Vail added.

So, if you’d like to be part of an online community that connects you with other parents with the same challenges, Purrch may just be what you need.



Learn more about the Purrch app!

Check out their website at!

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