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Feline Essential Natural Products Treat and Prevent Health Issues | Two Crazy Cat Ladies

What’s that? Two crazy cat ladies you can rely on for your cats’ health issues?

Well, that’s how it is.

If you’re obsessed with ensuring your felines’ natural health, Two Crazy Cat Ladies offer Feline Essential™, a full line of natural supplements that help treat and prevent many common health issues in cats.

According to Jae Kennedy and Adrienne Lefebvre, founders of Two Crazy Cat Ladies,

We were motivated by the lack of available resources for natural feline health, so we dedicated our lives to learning and sharing all they can to help cats live the longest, healthiest, and happiest lives possible.”

Two Crazy Cat Ladies on a Mission

two crazy cat ladies mission

Two Crazy Cat Ladies’ mission is simple: to bring cats together and raise awareness about feline health and wealth-being.

To this end, Jae and Adrienne host regular live shows on social media to connect with cat parents. They answer questions cat parents have about their kitties. At the same time, they share tips about cat health and happiness via blogs and videos.

Jae shared,

“For 10 years, we worked and loved our family business in pet health and pet nutrition. We learned a lot, but it was all centered around dogs.”

Having always had cats, both women found it difficult to find any help whenever one of their cats had an issue. This is because there were “absolutely no products” that they could find that were specifically for kitties.

This encouraged them to become that resource that they have wanted to find for so long, and thus, Two Crazy Cat Ladies was born.

“We launched a line of products that we have since rebranded to Feline Essential™. And we spend every day just helping cat parents find solutions for their cats’ health and behavioral issues.”

two crazy cat ladies website

Although their background wasn’t in the animal space, that didn’t prevent Jae and Adrienne from doing what they can to help cats. They’ve always loved animals, and this love bloomed when one of their furbabies died without them knowing the exact cause until the last minute.

“One of our biggest motivations is to make a difference and make sure that everybody has the information. Although what you do with that information is your business, we want everybody to be able to have the information available to them so that they know that there is a chance for their cats.”



Learn more about Two Crazy Cat Ladies!

Visit their website at

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