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Clippers for Dog Nails Help Pet Groomers Keep Dogs Groomed | KlipTrio

KlipTrio Clippers for Dog Nails Help Pet Groomers Keep Dogs Groomed

Take the stress out of keeping your dogs groomed and their nails trimmed!

KlipTrio is the first and only three-in-one pet nail trimmer with the first-ever disposable styptic powder cartridges.

And nope, it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

In fact, its creator, Alexandre Contreras, aims to make KlipTrio the standard grooming tool for a safer, faster, and more hygienic way of trimming your pets’ nails.

He elaborated during the podcast,

“One task in particular that I focused or hyper-focused on was the nail trimming process. This is one of those dreadful events that even the most trained technician can be bound to make an error… And it dawned on me to come out with the first-ever, disposable, styptic, powder cartridge that will snap into the first ever three-in-one pet nail trimmer…”

KlipTrio on Keeping Pet Parents Safe

kliptrio dog nail clippers inventor alexandre contreras with his son

A native resident of Miami, Florida and a veterinary technician for about 15 years, Alexandre came up with the idea for KlipTrio after binge-watching two seasons of Shark Tank back to back.

“After binge-watching… I went to work with a different mindset. That mindset was: ‘There’s something here that I should be observing that I can improve on’,”

he said, walking down memory lane.

And lo and behold, according to Alexandre, it just so happened that on that particular day, they got to do nail trimming on a little Yorkie. Unfortunately, as soon as the canine jumped on her pet parent, the Yorkie scratched up her skin, making her dog mom bleed.

“(Our doctor) came out of the background. He asked one simple question. He said, ‘Did you guys file that dog’s nail?’… The actual technician who actually made the error came forward and said, ‘Doctor, I didn’t do it because it was another step.’ When that technician said ‘because it was another step’, that’s when the light bulbs rang in my head.”

This scenario would eventually inspire Alexandre to think about how to streamline the process of trimming a four-legged companion’s nails.

kliptrio dog nail three-in-one styptic powder cartridges clippers

KlipTrio streamlines everything with just a click. Hence, veterinary technicians no longer have to grab another tool or ask others to pass them another tool.

In Alexandre’s opinion,

“This is definitely going to change the veterinary industry, and most importantly, for the everyday pet owner as well. They’ll have that safety blanket that if they do unfortunately make that mistake… they have the solution with the cartridge there.”

Using KlipTrio to Keep Dogs Groomed Efficiently

how to trim your pet's nails using kliptrio

A vision that Alexandre has had since 2016, KlipTrio is finally here after four and a half years of Alexandre battling out for utility patents.

And many pet parents couldn’t be more thrilled.

“One point that’s very important, Chris, is that they (pet parents) can also train themselves to know how to do it properly. Meaning, when they trim the animals nail using KlipTrio, they can just do the tip,”

Alexandre explained.

reviews for KlipTrio Clippers

In addition to all that, their main selling point is that it’s also the first-ever positive reinforcement nail clipper on the market.

“When I introduced it to my dog, China,…no longer does she think, ‘Oh, my nails are going to be trimmed!’ and beat lines for the door. Now, she sees this, and she associates it with some type of positive reinforcement. And she allows me to conduct the nail treatment process efficiently, especially in the veterinarian setting.”

Previously a daunting task where pets are mostly on guard, the nail trimming process has become much more efficient with the introduction of treats and KlipTrio.

kliptrio nail clippers provide positive reinforcement

Elaborating on his vision for KlipTrio, Alexandre shared that there are three aspects he wants to focus on. First is the care aspect that comes in the veterinary field. The second is the advocacy part. The third is support.

“At the end of the day, I definitely want to try to leave a legacy behind it… So, if there’s something that I can do on my end to kind of streamline that for my product and my brand, I definitely want to be in tune with that as well,”

Alexandre said, closing the podcast.



Learn more about KlipTrio:

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