Good news! Your animal in care has been requested by a foster! Now, let’s proceed with how you can assign your animal to that foster.
Step 1: On your organization dashboard, go to the ‘Fosterspace’ module then click ‘Dashboard’.
On the ‘Recruit Fosters quadrant’, you will see the list of animals in your care, together with the number of applications for foster for each animal.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Applications’ link to see the name of the foster.
Step 3: To view the foster volunteer’s full profile, click on their name.
Step 4: Once you have reviewed if they are the perfect fit for your animal, you have the option to accept or decline the request.
If you selected Accept, the foster volunteer will get a notification that you have accepted the request. They now have to accept the foster invite on their end. On the other hand, choosing decline will also notify the foster volunteer that their request has been declined.
Once your foster volunteer has accepted your invite, the animal’s profile will now be linked to their profile. You will be able to see all the posts and photo updates your foster volunteer uploaded to the animal’s profile.