Recruiting Fosters Specific to Your Needs

Getting some extra helping hand to save more animals is always welcome and here in Doobert, your organization can recruit fosters easily! You can even modify your search for volunteers that will accommodate the specific needs of animals! Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: On your organization dashboard, click the ‘Fosterspace’ module then click ‘Dashboard’.

Step 2: Click the plus icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the ‘Recruit Fosters’ quadrant.

Step 3: First, you can select the animals from your organization by typing their name in the search box above.

The second option is to manually add new animals.

Step 4: If you select the manual add option, it is important to fill out as many fields on this form as possible to ensure a foster volunteer can confidently take care of this animal to the best of their abilities. 

Step 5: To showcase your animal’s adorableness, add a few of their best photos and videos. You can also add an already existing video uploaded in your organizations RescueTUBE. 

Step 6: Once you have selected a photo, a pop-up screen will appear that will allow you to crop and rotate the photo. Click on Save Photo.

Step 7: Type in some questions to ask your applicant prior to them requesting to be a foster. This will be an excellent way to know if they are the perfect match for your animals.

If you want to ask more questions, simply click the plus button beside the textbox.

Step 8: You also have the option to share your foster request on your social media by clicking the icons below.

Take note that this can only be done when your social media account is connected to your Doobert Profile. If you haven’t connected your social media account yet, simply go to this page.

Step 9: Click the ‘Publish’ button.

Now, all there’s left to do is wait for a volunteer to request for your animal to foster! It’s pretty easy, right? We are so excited to be a part of your journey to saving more animals! 


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