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Real Food That Supports Pet Healing | The Original Crockpet Diet

Original Crockpet Diet by Dr. Ruth Roberts Supports Pet Healing

Does your pet suffer from a health condition?

The Original Crockpet Diet by Dr. Ruth Roberts may help dramatically improve their quality of life.

According to Dr. Ruth, who  has supported thousands of dogs and cats to overcome health hurdles through holistic pet care tailored to their unique health profile,

My goal with The Original Crockpet Diet was to teach people how to cook for their pets, to be able to manipulate the ingredients. This way, if the pet had a food sensitivity, they could just take whatever it was out of the diet and be able to substitute something else back in that would still keep the diet complete and balanced for all life stages…”

Coming Up With The Original Crockpet Diet

The Idea for history of The Original Crockpet Diet by Dr. Ruth Roberts

A veterinarian with over a decade of experience, Dr. Ruth came up with the idea of The Original Crockpet Diet after one of her own pets got an infection on the heart valve back in 2006.

She shared,

“I was studying Chinese medicine at the time, got certified in acupuncture, herbology, all that good stuff… So, I’m talking with my professors…[about] what else I can do [because] this dog would not let me put acupuncture needles in her…”

One of the things her teachers at the time suggested was to start cooking to improve her Fido’s heart health. This suggestion would eventually turn out to be one of the most helpful pieces of advice she’d carry into her professional career.

“Over three months, I watched on ultrasound as this lesion on her heart valve went from this size (big) to this size (smaller). And I was like, ‘Okay, I can’t not start doing this for my patients.’”

background for the original crockpet diet

At the time, while Dr. Ruth gathered the courage to pursue the idea for The Original Crockpet Diet, a lot of changes were also well underway.

For instance, which was also the most important, the first major pet food recall happened. This led to pet parents having no idea whom to trust and what food to feed their pets.

And with pet brands being recalled every week, people started coming to Dr. Ruth to get recipes for their furbabies.

“It was just crazy because all of a sudden, all of these pets that had chronic skin issues, chronic diarrhea, all sorts of things that we’d been treating and barely keeping under control were gone… So, I started studying functional medicine in 2012, incorporating more of that idea of letting food be your medicine,”

Dr. Ruth said.

Her efforts eventually paid off around 2010, when the first big version of The Original Crockpet Diet was born.

Getting On With The Original Crockpet Diet

getting on with the original crockpet diet by dr. ruth roberts

Having experienced firsthand the benefits of The Original Crockpet Diet, Dr. Ruth believes that getting the diet right is the most important step when trying to fix our pets’ health issues.

She explained,

“Honestly, most people don’t cook for themselves. So, the way I set this up is in batches of food… It’s clearly laid out what you can substitute, what you can’t substitute, what supplements you need to make it stay balanced… And the goal is to create a plan so that it’s easy to follow.”



Learn more about Dr. Ruth Roberts!

Visit their website at

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