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Proper Pet Cancer Treatments By Connecting With The Right Specialists │ Pet Cancer Care Consulting

Get Your Pet Proper Cancer Treatments By Connecting With The Right Specialists │ Pet Cancer Care Consulting

Pet cancer is a somber topic to get into. It is one of the worst possible nightmares of any pet owner. Just like Dr. Rachel Venable said,

“Nobody wants to think about cancer.”

While it is an issue that most pet owners would rather not talk about, some are forced to deal with it. One glaring problem in this field is the lack of pet cancer specialists to treat these animals.


The Desperate Need For More Pet Cancer Specialists

Get Your Pet Proper Cancer Treatments By Connecting With The Right Specialists │ Pet Cancer Care Consulting

According to Dr. Rachel,

“I found that there was a real need, that there’s not enough of us out there, and there are a lot more pet owners looking for that extra knowledge or treatment for their pets with cancer.”

There are only approximately 450 licensed and certified veterinary oncologists in Canada and the US. That’s an alarming thought, especially if you compare it to the estimated number of dogs diagnosed with cancer yearly, which happens to be around 6 million.

With those numbers, it is not surprising that most of the country has extensive wait times and delays in cancer treatments. There are even times when no cancer treatments are available, especially to those far from major metropolitan areas or cities. There is a huge need and demand for oncology services today.


Settle For Personalized Cancer Treatments and Care For Your Pet

Get Your Pet Proper Cancer Treatments By Connecting With The Right Specialists │ Pet Cancer Care Consulting

The lack of specialists and the need to help was what pushed Dr. Rachel to create Pet Cancer Care Consulting.

“I have a new platform where I can talk with pet owners and vets together, and we can do it remotely.”

Pet Cancer Care Consulting is an online website that connects pet parents and veterinarians to cancer specialists. It bridges the gap and distance by providing accessibility to certified oncologists from the comfort of one’s home or local veterinarian office.

“That way, I can reach more people because a lot of times there’s a distance barrier or time barrier because it’s just hard to get in. So, I’m trying to help people overcome some of those obstacles.”

The process of how Pet Cancer Care Consulting works is simple. The pet owner and vet will schedule a consultation with an oncologist through the website. Before that appointment, the vet will send all the necessary medical reports for the pet.

On the consultation day, the pet owner can either ask for a 3-way video call or personally go to the vet’s clinic, where they can talk to the oncologist together. There will be a briefing and review of the pet’s medical history. The oncologist can also ask questions or conduct specific tests to double-check any concerning areas.

The oncologist will then give an in-depth explanation of the prognosis and recommendations for testing, possible cancer treatments, and therapy options. After, they will provide a typed summary and handout to the vet and pet owner.


To know more about the process of Pet Cancer Care Consulting, visit their official website. All vital information on their services and how you can reach out to them are there.  

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