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Soothing Tummies 101: The Best Foods to Offer Your Dog during an Upset Stomach

As any dog owner knows, the bond we share with our four-legged companions goes beyond mere companionship; they are cherished members of our family. Like us, dogs can experience health issues, and one common condition that disrupts their cheerful behavior is an upset stomach. 

Witnessing our furry friends in discomfort, inactivity, and a reduced appetite can be distressing, but fear not! With the proper care, attention, and a little dietary know-how, we can help our beloved canines return to their playful, exuberant selves in no time.

In this blog post, we delve into caring for our dogs during an upset stomach episode. We’ll explore the best foods to offer them, foods that can work wonders in soothing their tummy troubles. 

Reasons why your dog may have an upset stomach

Dogs’ digestive systems are complex and sensitive, and there can be various reasons why your dog may have an upset stomach. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons your dog may have an upset stomach. 

Dietary changes or digestive issues

One of the main reasons your dog may have an upset stomach is a sudden change in their diet or digestive issues. Dogs can have food allergies or intolerance to certain foods that can cause cramps, nausea, or diarrhea. Other digestive problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, parasite infestation, or pancreatitis can cause them to have an upset stomach. They can be a sign of a more severe underlying issue. 

Stress and anxiety

Just like us humans, dogs can also experience stress and anxiety, and it can also cause an upset stomach. Stressful situations such as separation anxiety or a change of environment can trigger your dog’s anxiety, making them feel unwell and uncomfortable. 

If you think your dog’s upset stomach is due to their stress and anxiety, you must talk to your vet and find out what you can do to help them manage their emotions.

Bacterial or viral infection

Another reason why your dog may have an upset stomach is due to a bacterial or viral infection. Dogs can catch a stomach virus that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. It’s essential to take your dog to the vet if you think they have an infection to avoid any severe health problems in the future.

Eating something they shouldn’t have

Dogs are curious creatures; sometimes, they can eat things they shouldn’t have, such as toxic foods or foreign objects, causing an upset stomach. Dogs can also get into the trash or eat something they find on the floor, causing digestive issues. 

If you see your dog eating something they shouldn’t have, it’s essential to intervene and take them to the vet if they show any symptoms.


Dehydration is another reason why your dog may have an upset stomach. Dogs need to have access to clean, fresh water all the time, and if they don’t, they may experience dehydration, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. It’s vital to ensure your dog drinks water regularly to avoid any dehydration-related health issues.

5 best foods to offer your dog during an upset stomach

An upset stomach could be distressing for the dog, and we could easily detect it through various symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite. Although it could be alarming for dog owners to witness our pets suffer, it could also be an opportunity to show our furry friends how much we love them. One way to do so is by providing the right foods to soothe their tummy and help them recover. 

Let’s discuss some of the best foods for your dog during an upset stomach.

#1 Boiled chicken and rice

One of the most recommended foods for a sick dog is boiled chicken and rice. The chicken provides easily digestible protein and added hydration. At the same time, rice acts as an energy source and helps absorb excess stomach acid. To prepare, boil about half a pound of chicken with a cup of white rice, and feed your dog small portions throughout the day.

#2 Pumpkin

If your pup is constipated, the best thing you can offer them is pumpkin. Pumpkin is loaded with fiber, which helps regulate digestion and promotes healthy bowel movements. As a bonus, it can also help soothe an upset stomach. Make sure it’s pure, not pumpkin pie filling. You can give your dog a couple of small spoonfuls mixed with their usual meal.

#3 Sweet potato

Sweet potato is highly nutritious and can offer relief to a dog with an upset stomach. This vegetable is rich in soluble fiber, which can help soften stool and reduce inflammation. You can bake or boil some sweet potato and offer it as a treat or mixed with your dog’s meal. Just remove the skin, as it can be hard to digest.

#4 Bone broth

Bone broth is an excellent way to soothe your dog’s stomach while providing them with essential nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and glucosamine. Simmer chicken or beef bones for a few hours to prepare bone broth until the broth becomes gelatinous. You could then use it as a base for soups or pour it over your dog’s food to enhance the flavor.

#5 Plain yogurt

Plain yogurt is another probiotic-rich food that can aid digestion and boost the immune system. It’s best to offer unsweetened, plain yogurt, as excess sugar can worsen an upset stomach. You can add a tablespoon or two to your dog’s meal or offer it as a treat.


An upset stomach could be a cause of concern for us dog owners. Still, we could help our furry companions recover by providing them with the best foods to soothe their tummy. 

Always seek veterinary advice before making extreme changes regarding your dog’s diet, and avoid giving them human food that could harm their health. Showing your furry friend love and care by providing them the right foods could ease their discomfort and show them how much they mean to you.

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