Dog Dental Product Improves Dog’s Teeth for Healthy Dog Gums | TEEF for Life – Protektin42

teef protektin42 dog dental product improves dogs' teeth for healthy dog gums

Improve your furbabies’ dental health in a safer, revolutionary way!

TEEF for Life’s Protektin42 prebiotic powder makes healthy dog gums within your and your Fidos’ reach.

According to Dr. Emily Stein, a self-proclaimed microbiologist geek, the co-founder of TEEF, and inventor of Protektin42™, the idea for drinkable dental health started when she almost lost her rescue dog due to dental hygiene neglects.

“I used my doctorate in microbiology and experience in immunology to come up with an approach to really keep the bad bacteria contained and really help the good bacteria survive and grow and flourish and protect our dogs’ mouths.”

the science of teef protektin42

Protektin42 to Your Dogs’ Dental Rescue

For dog moms and dads, Protektin42™ is a scientifically proven and proactive solution if they want to treat their canines’ symptoms of poor oral hygiene. It also lets them proactively protect their furbabies’ long-term, systemic health.

As explained on TEEF’s website, Protektin42™ is unique from other dental care products for dogs that you see today.

Instead of killing as many oral bacteria as possible, what Protektin42™ does is that it strengthens beneficial bacteria and weakens the bad ones. This paves the way for a naturally balanced oral microbiome and a healthier mouth.



TEEF for LIFE - Drinkable Dental Health

Dr. Emily elaborated on the role her rescue dog played in the invention of the prebiotic powder,

“She (her dog) was obviously neglected. And they told me she definitely needed dental cleaning, but she needed way more than a dental cleaning. She needed 21 teeth extracted, and she had to get pumped full of antibiotics…to clean her body up because her dental infection had spread to a bloodstream infection.”

The good thing was that, after 36 hours of feeling anxious, the veterinarians were able to save her dog’s life. However, it was an experience that she didn’t want other pet parents to go through as well, especially since a similar scenario already happened to her grandmother about 13 years ago.

My grandma had this health crisis, and I tried to biohack through oral microbiome to try to stop it from causing any further dental disease. And then four years later, I was reliving that nightmare with my new dog. And it just made me realize, ‘Wow, if you have a mouth and you’re warm-blooded and have fur or hair, you have a problem’,”

Dr. Emily said.

Protektin42: Vet- and Pet Parent-Approved

With a mission to protect the years in canines’ lives and the life in canines’ years, TEEF formulated Protektin42™ to go beyond the usual ingredients and find truly safe and effective formulations.

teef protektin42 vet and pet parent-approved


“The goal for dogs, humans, and cats is to actually stop organic acids from being produced in the mouth, which causes inflammation, causes leaky gums. So, my goal is to not even go towards that end of the disease spectrum. It’s just trying to keep dogs and people’s mouths in a stable position with a healthy microbiome that helps protect the tissue, protect the periodontal ligament, and keep the dog in a healthy state.”

What’s even cooler about it is that Dr. Emily and her team no longer added any probiotics. They’re only expanding the percentage of the good bacteria normally residing in a dog’s mouth and diversifying the microbiome to maintain the threshold of good and human bacteria in the dog’s mouth.



Learn more about Protektin42 by TEEF for Life!

Check out their website at

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