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UN-leash your dog and UN-leash yourself for a change

“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along,
listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”
– Winnie the Pooh

If you’re like me, you are accustomed to having your dog on a leash when you go for a walk.  Usually at the end of our walk when we’re safely back in the yard, I will let Maddie off the leash and let him make his running laps around the yard.  As soon as I UN-leash him he wells up with excitement and joy and literally runs as fast as he can making sweeping circles until he’s tired and ready to go back inside.  For those few minutes each day, he is UN-constrained, UN-inhibited, and UN-restrained and he doesn’t have a care in the world as the wind flaps his ears and his jowls in the breeze.

What happens to you when you UN-leash yourself from the confines and rules of animal rescue?  How do you release all of the pent up energy, stress, drama and negative side-effects from immersing yourself day-in and day-out in your passion?  Personally, I like to go flying.  When I’m a mile up and it’s just me and the birds, it allows me to view the world down below me and realize how insignificant some of the daily challenges and stressors are.  It allows me to free my mind to think about new and exciting things, without constraining myself with the ‘way things have always been.’  And then when I come back down, I have a renewed sense of purpose, fresh ideas to keep me going and a feeling that I can conquer the world.

It’s important to UN-leash yourself from the challenges and daily grind of animal rescue.  There is always another dog that needs help and always another situation that only you can handle.  But there’s only one you.  And if you burn out, drop out or flame out of rescue, that will leave many more that need saving.  Always remember that we need you to be healthy, fresh and focused.  We’ll cover for you while you run laps…

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