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Episode 19 – Crystal Dunn

Crystal Dunn

Crystal Dunn

Crystal Dunn has worn a lot of hats in the training world. She started out as a volunteer in 2005, training dogs in shelters, and left the tech world to train dogs full time in 2006. For ten years she owned her own company, specializing in in-home training, working with her team on thousands of cases ranging from puppy obedience to serious aggression. Other projects include training performance dogs for dog toymakers, consulting on safety and best practices for an array of dog-related businesses, and managing a large scale pet resort and training facility. All the while, she has consistently kept one foot in the rescue world, working with numerous shelters and rescues to rehabilitate dogs, offering low-cost training opportunities to the public, and even training an all pit bull therapy dog team. It may sound scattered, but at the core of all of her endeavors is a common theme: educating people and enriching the lives of dogs. Currently, she writes full time for dog and non-dog related businesses and serves as VP for the nonprofit Love-A-Bull. She also hosts the podcast, Far Fetched, that focuses on debunking common myths and misconceptions about dogs.

Far Fetched Podcast:


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