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Enrichment Toys That Bring Outdoor Fun for Indoor Cats | Dezi & Roo

dezi and roo enrichment toys bring ourdoor fun to indoor cats

Want to get your bored cat excited even when you’re not around? Why not try cat toys from Dezi & Roo?

Founded by Dr. Lynn Bahr, Dezi & Roo designs, manufactures, and sells enrichment toys that enhance your lives and your cats’ lives. The goal is to bring outdoor fun to your indoor felines.

According to Dr. Lynn,

Dezi & Roo toys get cats excited to play and are an important aspect in keeping them happy and healthy. Our toys are intentionally designed to look, feel, sound, and smell like wildlife to appeal to cats’ natural instincts.”

From Cat Lover to Veterinarian to Dezi & Roo

dezi and roo cat toys

A veterinarian by trade, Dr. Lynn grew up as a dog person. However, it was a little gray kitty with a pink nose that turned her onto the world of cats.

“This little gray and white fluff adopted me in 1980 and turned my world upside down. It was through him that I realized that new medicine was the career that I wanted. Specifically, I wanted to work with just cats,”

she shared.

At the time, specializing in cat-only practice was unheard of, so Dr. Lynn spent the first couple of years catering to both dogs and cats.

Fortunately, the world has started to slowly change, and she counts herself as one of the lucky ones to spend her veterinarian career taking care of cats.

With the pandemic, Dr. Lynn changed her focus from helping cats physically to now helping them mentally.

“Being locked up in four walls is a whole different lifestyle. And with it comes a whole new host of problems and medical problems as well… So, I feel like our indoor cats are almost a new breed… They never walk on grass, breathe fresh air. They have no idea where they live in the neighborhood.”

Having shifted her focus, Dr. Lynn tried talking to other cat lovers on how they can further enrich their felines’ lives.

“They need exercise, entertainment. They need to be active. So, I would search and search for products that I could recommend, but I rarely found any that I really, really love.”

Aside from that, the cat parents she knew often complained about how their pets don’t play.

This bothered the female toy maker, as she was of the opinion that kittens would play with almost anything.

Eventually, this dilemma encouraged Dr. Lynn to make toys that really appealed to furbabies.

“Our toys at Dezi & Roo are all handmade here in the U.S. They’re designed for the cat, not for the owner. My goal is to mimic everything that a cat does outside, which is to hunt and to explore and to smell things and to bring those elements inside. So, that’s the focus of our company—really designing toys that are for cats to play with.”



Learn more about Dezi & Roo!

Visit their website at

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