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Professional Business Copywriter for Pet Health and Technology | Jessica Stevens

Jessica Stevens Professional Business Copywriter for Pet Health and Technology

If you’re a pet professional who wants to take your business to new heights, Jessica Stevens is the gal who can help you stand out.

A pet health and technology copywriter who focuses mostly on digital copy, Jessica believes that copywriting can help innovate animal health conditions by:

  1. educating the target market on the issue, and
  2. making people aware of awesome businesses that are making waves


She shared,

“My job is actually to help business owners stand out from the crowd and to build their businesses. I do this by showcasing their vision and their voice, whatever education that they want to teach their people, their community. I basically highlight their specific attributes that impact the world and today’s digital space.”


Jessica Stevens on What Copywriting Is

(and What It Isn’t)


Although she has been involved in the pet space for some time, Jessica only started business copywriting for pet professionals towards the beginning of the pandemic. Nonetheless, her experience already gave her an overview of what copywriting is and how it can help pet businesses.

“A copywriter is not patent. It’s not an intellectual property because that’s ‘copywrite’ with an ‘R’. It’s ‘copywrite’, like you’re writing something. It’s actually really creative, it’s an unknown sort of thing that’s behind the scenes of most businesses. But it’s anything that’s promotional that you see. It’s anything (that’s) not journalism… Anything that gets you interested in a company or aware of a company and what it offers you.”

With plenty of types of copy today, Jessica focuses mostly on the digital aspect of copywriting, like writing blogs and emails, as well as writing e-books for her clientele.


Professional Business Copywriter for Pet Health and Technology Jessica Stevens


She also creates website copy that attracts customers to her clients’ websites and highlights the practices her clientele has to make them stand out from their competition.

This way, the copy she writes will resonate with their customers and encourage them to take the action that her clients want them to do.

“Without copy, they’re going to leave, and they may not ever come back. And that’s the worst thing that you can have for your business, because when they leave immediately, that tells Google that you just don’t know what you’re talking about. And they got to put you further down the list and bring someone else who might know a little bit better,”

she explained.


Jessica Stevens on Working With Pet Professionals


With her clients, Jessica understands that not many of them are familiar with how copy works. After all, she is well aware that their profession is about helping animals.

Because of this, she uses her experience as a business copywriter for pets to educate vets and other pet professionals on how they can better understand their market.

She said,

“There’s a lot of extremely compassionate people out there that want to promote and reach their customers in the best possible way. And they’re willing to listen to you, or whoever is helping them, in good faith. So, how we approach the content situation is: we’ll just see what their goals are, what they’re currently doing, what’s working, what’s not working, what their customers are actually searching for, like in the Google searches, and how we can adapt and meet that gap. And then we can resolve that gap as best as we can for that specific practice.”


Professional Business Copywriter for Pet Health and Technology Jessica Stevens


In conjunction with this, Jessica uses a lot of paid and free tools to help her create copies that add incredible value to her clients’ business.

“If you’re crazy busy… and you’ve been in so many different directions that you just do not have the time to be in the head space, where you can write something that’s outside of the clinic’s and your customers’ perspectives… that’s kind of difficult. So, that’s the benefit of having someone from the outside come in and help you,”

she elaborated.

To help her clients further stand out from the rampant online noise, Jessica also advises them on how they shouldn’t only focus on the customer service and experience they provide in their clinics.

They should also have a variety of copy, such as emails and social media updates, that can cultivate their relationship with their customers.

After all, her copy does not only help her clients reach their customers. On the contrary, the pet industry is very social. And it is this sociability that increases the chances of appealing emotionally to their market using great content that matters.

Closing the podcast, Jessica also wants to inspire others to take the next step to their own dreams:

“You’re tuned into the show because you have the heart to hear what’s on the landscape of pet innovation. And you guys are the heart and soul of this industry, and your voices need to be heard. So, go ahead out there. Take that next step.”


Learn more about Jessica Stevens and her services here.

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