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Trusted Pet Parent Community Meets Each Other for Puppy Swap Meet | PetSwapp

petswapp trusted pet parent community meets each other for puppy swap meet

Looking for a community of pet parents you can trust to go on a puppy swap meet?

PetSwapp might be the one for you!

Co-founded by Arianna Jacchia, PetSwapp aims to connect pet owners so they can take care of each other’s animals when necessary.

According to Arianna,

“We are a community of pet owners who help each other out whenever needed… It’s like a simple way to find somebody else, like a friend, to take care of my animals.”

How PetSwapp Came About

what is petswapp and how it came about

Suppose you have a dog and you need to travel for a few days.

However, you don’t want to leave your dog out at a kennel or with a strange sitter.

But you don’t know what else to do.

As per Arianna, this is where PetSwapp comes in.

With the app, you can see the profiles of other pet owners and information about their pets and their home.

This way, you can connect with them and leave your pet with them so that next time, either you can take care of their pet or someone else from the community can do that.

Arianna explained it best when she said that the idea is to make pet ownership easier for everyone.

“I have two dogs. I love them with all my life, and I rescued them. So, for me, it was really hard to find a place where they would be comfortable, that wouldn’t be crazy expensive, but I would also trust. So, I started connecting to other pet owners, and we realized we could help each other out whenever needed,”

she shared.

It didn’t take long for their group to be filled with more and more pet parents who faced the same dilemma.

Eventually, it prompted Arianna to think of ways to make what they previously had more scalable.

And the answer that she found? Yep, through an app!

“I was like, okay, an app. That’s the right thing for people to just like open their phone. And that’s how the whole thing started.”

PetSwapp: Past, Present, and Future

The idea itself started in 2020. But because Arianna was not at all a techie-savvy person, she spent the first few months looking for the best co-founder who could help her build the PetSwapp app.

Now, her co-founder Klavs Rudzitis is the one who is responsible for the tech-related side of things.

When asked about the experience they were going for, Arianna said,

“The most important things for us are safety and trust. We have a very strict screening process, and the community is by invite only. So, only people within your network are the ones who can be part of the community. It’s something that we really want to encourage and build.”

how petswapp works

Initially starting with a very closed private beta launch, Arianna and the PetSwapp team are now putting all their marketing efforts in Hollywood, LA to make it easier for people to find other pet owners.

“We want to be able to have a space for pet owners to help each other, not just in taking care of each other but also having an area for them to be able to share tips and recommendations. And then the other side of it is for them to be able to have access to special deals that other people wouldn’t be able to have access to. Those deals would be things that will make their life as a pet owner much easier, more enjoyable, and more fun.”



Learn more about PetSwapp!

Visit their website at

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