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Improving Dogs’ Quality of Life by Podcasting and Meditation | Dog Podcast Network

Dog Podcast Network Improves Dogs’ Quality of Life by Podcasting and Meditation

Are you a dog lover looking for a premiere source of unique, pet-related content?

The Dog Podcast Network got you covered!

Founded by James Jacobson, Dog Podcast Network started as a vision for the life-long dog lover since 2005. Now that it has become a reality, it aims to improve the quality of life for dogs and the people who love them.

According to James,

“I had to sit back and kind of look, ‘What is my whole life about?’. And ostensibly, it’s about improving the quality of life for people and the dogs who love them. So, it’s about the quality of life for dogs. And that transcends everything.”

Starting the Dog Podcast Network

As a podcasting network that’s the first of its kind, Dog Podcast Network brings together two of James’ passions: dogs and the world of podcasting. Featuring dozens of unique podcasts from other puppy lovers around the globe, the podcast network aims to bring to its listeners’ ears, relevant topics that they care most about.

James reminisced,

“I was fascinated with meditation since I was a little kid… I’m an only child, and it was just a natural thing that I would do… I would just sit there and kind of meditate and just clear my thoughts and just listen to the little voice within… And I discovered, because my dog would jump on my lap when I did it, that she likes the energy of the meditation.”

This led him to write a book called “How to Meditate With Your Dog” back when he had just retired and moved to Hawaii. After becoming a best-seller, the book would then put James in the spotlight and lead him to guest in shows like CNN and Jay Leno’s.

However, it wasn’t until he got into doing a dog cancer-related podcast that the beginnings of the Dog Podcast Network were triggered.

“We do a dog podcast network… We created our first podcast…that later on morphed into a dog podcast network about dog cancer. And it’s a weekly show that’s been on for years, where we talked to veterinarians, and we answer questions from listeners about dog cancer.”

Dog Podcast Network Improves Dogs’ Quality of Life by Podcasting and Meditation

“People have said over the years, ‘Oh, you have a great voice. And you should be doing podcast.’ I was so busy then… But that brought a whole bunch of questions for me. Like, what do I want to do with my life? So, I started really reassessing what my life is all about, what I want to do,”

James added,

As someone who loves listening to podcasts, the suggestion then made him consider and look for ways on how he could marry his interest in dogs with his interest in podcasting.

“I think it’s a wonderful medium… And so, I said, ‘Why don’t we just create not just a dog podcast, but a whole network of really high-quality—NPR, BBC—high-quality-sounding shows that dog lovers will resonate with?’ And that’s what Dog Podcast Network is.”

A Variety of Shows to Listen To

Although James and his team officially launched the Dog Podcast Network only in January of 2021, they already have three shows and are even adding more.

Dog Podcast Network Improves Dogs’ Quality of Life by Podcasting and Meditation

“Our flagship show is called ‘Dog Edition’. It is the world’s first show designed to listen to while you walk your dog. So, it’s about 20 or 30 minutes long. And it is designed for you to hear interesting stories… It’s about fascinating stories about people who are doing really interesting things with dogs, like you,”

James said.

One other show they have is entitled “The Long Leash”, where James gets to sit down with interesting people and talk about things that are tangentially connected to dogs. Meanwhile, the “Dog Cancer Answers” show provides vetted advice and responses from real veterinarians.

Aiming to inspire, entertain, and inform, James’ vision for the podcast network is simple:

“We want to make sure that we are the place…where people who are passionate dog lovers can discover products and services that truly will make a better life for their dogs and for them.”


Learn more about the Dog Podcast Network!


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