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The Life Coach Pet Parents Need │ Katya Lidsky, the Animal That Changed You

The Life Coach Pet Parents Need │ Katya Lidsky, the Animal That Changed You

Have you ever experienced spending too much money on dog training that seems to be going nowhere? It could be that the training isn’t sticking to the dog, or the pet is refusing to be trained. One good reason behind that is a lack of bond between the pet and the human.

If this were the case, you might want to consider reaching out to a life coach for dog people.


A Life Coach For Dog Parents in Need

The Life Coach Pet Parents Need │ Katya Lidsky, the Animal That Changed You

As Katya Lidsky, a life coach for pet parents said,

“You can pay thousands of dollars for dog training, and if the bond isn’t there, and if the relationship isn’t there, it’s not gonna stick.”

If the training is not the main issue, then the relationship and bond between the dog and owner can be something that needs work. That is where life coaching can help.

Life coaching for dog people is not a program set in stone. It depends on the life coach’s personal approach. 

For Katya, it involves listening to the pet parents talk about their dogs. She prefers getting to the feelings and hearing what thoughts they hold. She separates her sessions into two parts – asking for a subjective and objective perspective.

“I separate it to what you feel, and then as a scientist, tell me what you see without any feeling. Without any projection.”

Aside from using what she learned and knows about life coaching, Katya also applies the principles of behavior and her well-nurtured dog training knowledge to truly expand her view of each client’s and their dog’s lives. This knowledge came from her experience of volunteering at animal shelters and non-profits for almost 15 years. 

With each session, Katya aims to understand the dynamic between you and your dog. She wants to explore your relationship with your beloved pets and seek out the most challenging and unsatisfying areas. Through this, she can acquire valuable insight and find the truth. 

From there, Katya can help you improve your bond and create a better relationship.


Have An Animal That Changed You?

The Life Coach Pet Parents Need │ Katya Lidsky, the Animal That Changed You

Aside from being a life coach for dog people, Katya is also a writer and podcaster. She intertwines her love for animals with her passion and career.

“I see animals as walking stories.”

For Katya, dogs are not simply animals. They can carry stories of who loved them in the past and who will love them in the future. 

Aside from writing for TV, she has multiple publications under her name. She also wrote for numerous sites and platforms like DogSpotted, The Dogington Post, and The Bark.

Her podcast, The Animal That Changed You, features touching stories about extraordinary people with excellent pets. Together with Jenny, the founder of Better Together Dog Rescue, they discuss taking action and doing something to help make a difference for animals. They created a peaceful and harmonious community for animal lovers.

Katya’s podcast is available on Apple Podcast if you want to listen to the Season 1 episodes! 

“Other than that, it’s about waking up every day and feeling good and then passing that on. That, for me, starts with dogs and always ends with dogs. If I can bring that to anybody’s life, then I’m just going to be right there, however and wherever that takes me.”


If you want to learn more about Katya’s life coaching or if you want to share your story about an animal that changed you, make sure to visit her official website!

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